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Association of relativistic electron enhancements with VLF/ULF wave activity and seed electrons
  • +1
  • Afroditi Nasi,
  • Ioannis Daglis,
  • Christos Katsavrias,
  • Wen Li
Afroditi Nasi
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Corresponding Author:afnasi@phys.uoa.gr

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Ioannis Daglis
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Author Profile
Christos Katsavrias
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Author Profile
Wen Li
Boston University
Author Profile


Local acceleration driven by whistler mode chorus waves is fundamentally important for the acceleration of seed electrons in the outer radiation belt to relativistic energies. This mechanism depends strongly on substorm activity and on the source and seed electron populations injected by substorms into the inner magnetosphere. In this work, a selection of geospace disturbance events, emerging from single and isolated interplanetary drivers, is divided into two groups, one resulting in enhancement and one in depletion of the average relativistic electron Phase Space Density (PSD). Because substorm activity does not always coincide with or depend on magnetic storm occurrence, we have not limited our study to storms, but have included also non-storm events that are able to cause enhancements and depletions of the relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt. We investigate solar wind and geomagnetic parameters, wave activity and the seed electron PSD in the outer Van Allen radiation belt, looking for the occurrence of characteristic patterns, by performing a Superposed Epoch Analysis (SEA). Our study indicates the importance of substorm-associated enhancements of seed electrons, along with prolonged, intense ULF and VLF wave activity and an earthward displaced plasmapause, as conditions leading to substantial enhancements of relativistic electrons in the outer Van Allen belt. This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870437 for the SafeSpace project.