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Acoustic and In-situ Observations of Hydrothermal Discharge at ASHES Vent Field: an OOI Cabled Array Case Study
  • +1
  • Guangyu Xu,
  • Karen Bemis,
  • Darrell Jackson,
  • Anatoliy Ivakin
Guangyu Xu
Applied Physics Laboratory of University of Washington

Corresponding Author:guangyux@uw.edu

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Karen Bemis
Rutgers University
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Darrell Jackson
Applied Physics Laboratory of University of Washington
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Anatoliy Ivakin
Applied Physics Laboratory of University of Washington
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The Cabled Observatory Vent Imaging Sonar (COVIS) was initially installed on the Ocean Observatories Initiative’s Cabled Array (OOI-CA) observatory at ASHES hydrothermal vent field on Axial Seamount in July 2018. COVIS recorded the acoustic backscatter from the water-column plumes formed above hydrothermal sources and the seafloor within the sonar’s field-of-view until Oct 2018, when an instrument malfunction suspended regular data-collection procedures. In July 2019, COVIS was redeployed after repairs and has since been collecting data at full capacity. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of the acoustic backscatter data recorded by COVIS along with the in-situ temperature measurements in 2018 and 2019. The results demonstrate significant influences of ocean tides and bottom currents on diffuse hydrothermal discharge within ASHES. In addition, comparison with local seismicity shows a positive correlation between diffuse hydrothermal venting and the seismic activity in the vicinity of the vent field, which provides evidence for an intimate connection between hydrothermal activity and geological processes during the dynamic period leading up to the next eruption of Axial Seamount. Overall, our results showcase the capabilities of underwater acoustic techniques as remote-sensing tools for long-term, quantitative monitoring of seafloor hydrothermal discharge.