Soboh Wajih Al Qeeq

and 7 more

We estimate the global impact of storms on the global structure and dynamics of the nightside plasma sheet (PS) from observations by the NASA mission THEMIS. We focus on an intense storm occurring in December 2015 triggered by interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). It starts with a storm sudden commencement (SSC) phase (SYM-H~+50nT) followed by a growth phase (SYM-H~-188nT at the minimum) and then a long recovery phase. We investigate THEMIS observations when the spacecraft were located in the midnight sector of the PS at distances typically between 8 and 13RE. It is found that the PS has been globally compressed up to a value of about~>4nPa during the SSC and main phases, i.e. 8 times larger than its value during the quiet phase before the event. This compression occurs during periods of high dynamic pressure in the ICME (20nPa) about one order of magnitude larger than its value in the pristine solar wind. We infer a global increase of the lobe magnetic field from 30nT to 100nT, confirmed by THEMIS data just outside the PS. During the SSC and main phases, the PS is found thinner by a factor of 2 relative to its thickness at quiet times, while the Tsyganenko T96 magnetic field model shows very stretched magnetic field lines from inner magnetospheric regions toward the nightside. During the recovery phase, whereas the interplanetary pressure has dropped off, the PS tends to gradually recover its quiet phase characteristics (pressure, thickness, magnetic configuration, etc) during a long recovery phase.

Suleiman Baraka

and 3 more

Shan Wang

and 9 more

Whistler waves are often observed in magnetopause reconnection associated with electron beams. We analyze seven MMS crossings surrounding the electron diffusion region (EDR) to study the role of electron beams in whistler excitation. Waves have two major types: (1) Narrow-band waves with high ellipticities and (2) broad-band waves that are more electrostatic with significant variations in ellipticities and wave normal angles. While both types of waves are associated with electron beams, the key difference is the anisotropy of the background population, with perpendicular and parallel anisotropies, respectively. The linear instability analysis suggests that the first type of wave is mainly due to the background anisotropy, with the beam contributing additional cyclotron resonance to enhance the wave growth. The second type of distribution excites broadband waves via Landau resonance, and as seen in one event, the beam anisotropy induces an additional cyclotron mode. The results are supported by particle-in-cell simulations. We infer that the first type occurs downstream of the central EDR, where background electrons experience Betatron acceleration to form the perpendicular anisotropy; the second type occurs in the central EDR of guide field reconnection. A parametric study is conducted with linear instability analysis. A beam anisotropy alone of above ~3 likely excites the cyclotron mode waves. Large beam drifts cause Doppler shifts and may lead to left-hand polarizations in the ion frame. Future studies are needed to determine whether the observation covers a broader parameter regime and to understand the competition between whistler and other instabilities.

Julia E. Stawarz

and 16 more

Decomposing the electric field (E) into the contributions from generalized Ohm’s law provides key insight into both nonlinear and dissipative dynamics across the full range of scales within a plasma. Using high-resolution, multi-spacecraft measurements of three intervals in Earth’s magnetosheath from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, the influence of the magnetohydrodynamic, Hall, electron pressure, and electron inertia terms from Ohm’s law, as well as the impact of a finite electron mass, on the turbulent spectrum are examined observationally for the first time. The magnetohydrodynamic, Hall, and electron pressure terms are the dominant contributions to over the accessible length scales, which extend to scales smaller than the electron inertial length at the greatest extent, with the Hall and electron pressure terms dominating at sub-ion scales. The strength of the non-ideal electron pressure contribution is stronger than expected from linear kinetic Alfvén waves and a partial anti-alignment with the Hall electric field is present, linked to the relative importance of electron diamagnetic currents in the turbulence. The relative contribution of linear and nonlinear electric fields scale with the turbulent fluctuation amplitude, with nonlinear contributions playing the dominant role in shaping for the intervals examined in this study. Overall, the sum of the Ohm’s law terms and measured agree to within ~20% across the observable scales. These results both confirm general expectations about the behavior of in turbulent plasmas and highlight features that should be explored further theoretically.

Soboh Al Qeeq

and 1 more

Katariina Nykyri

and 19 more

Understanding the physical mechanisms responsible for the cross-scale energy transport and plasma heating from solar wind into the Earth’s magnetosphere is of fundamental importance for magnetospheric physics and for understanding these processes in other places in the universe with comparable plasma parameter ranges. This paper presents observations from Magnetosphere Multi-Scale (MMS) mission at the dawn-side high-latitude dayside boundary layer on 25th of February, 2016 between 18:55-20:05 UT. During this interval MMS encountered both inner and outer boundary layer with quasi-periodic low frequency fluctuations in all plasma and field parameters. The frequency analysis and growth rate calculations are consistent with the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI). The intervals within low frequency wave structures contained several counter-streaming, low- (0-200 eV) and mid-energy (200 eV-2 keV) electrons in the loss cone and trapped energetic (70-600 keV) electrons in alternate intervals. Wave intervals also showed high energy populations of O+ ions, likely of ionospheric or ring current origin. The counter-streaming electron intervals were associated with a large-magnitude field-aligned Poynting fluxes. Burst mode data at the large Alfven velocity gradient revealed a strong correlation between counter streaming electrons, enhanced parallel electron temperatures, strong anti-field aligned wave Poynting fluxes, and wave activity from sub-proton cyclotron frequencies extending to electron cyclotron frequency. Waves were identified as Kinetic Alfven waves but their contribution to parallel electron heating was not sufficient to explain the > 100 eV electrons, and rapid non-adiabatic heating of the boundary layer as determined by the characteristic heating frequency, derived here for the first time.