February 02, 2024
The nonlinear and distinct responses of ocean heat content and anthropogenic carbon t...
Tessa Gorte, Nicole Suzanne Lovenduski, Cara Nissen, et al.
June 07, 2023
Air-Sea CO$_2$ Fluxes Localized By Topography in a Southern Ocean Channel
Madeleine K. Youngs, Mara A. Freilich, Nicole Suzanne Lovenduski, et al.
Skillful multi-month predictions of ecosystem stressors in the surface and subsurface...
Samuel Mogen, Nicole Suzanne Lovenduski, Stephen Yeager, et al.
April 16, 2023
The Impact of Orbital Precession on Air-Sea CO$_{2}$ Exchange in the Southern Ocean
Cole Frederick Persch, Pedro DiNezio, Nicole Suzanne Lovenduski, et al.
July 20, 2023
How does the Pinatubo eruption influence our understanding of long-term changes in oc...
Holly C Olivarez, Nicole Suzanne Lovenduski, Galen A McKinley, et al.
June 25, 2023
Antarctic Ice Sheet freshwater discharge drives substantial Southern Ocean changes ov...
Tessa Gorte, Nicole Suzanne Lovenduski, Cara Nissen, et al.
April 24, 2020
Quantifying errors in observationally-based estimates of ocean carbon sink variabilit...
Lucas Gloege, Peter Landschützer, Amanda Fay, et al.
September 06, 2021
Replaying the tape of history: Synthetic large ensembles of sea-air carbon dioxide (C...
Holly Olivarez, Nicole Lovenduski, Riley Brady, et al.
July 20, 2021
Societal shifts due to COVID-19 reveal large-scale complexities and feedbacks between...
Joshua L. Laughner, Jessica L. Neu, David Schimel, et al.
April 29, 2020
External forcing explains recent decadal variability of the ocean carbon sink
Galen McKinley, Amanda Fay, Yassir Eddebbar, et al.
November 24, 2020
The Disproportionate Role of Ocean Topography on the Upwelling of Carbon in the South...
Riley Xavier Brady, Mathew E Maltrud, Phillip Justin Wolfram Jr., et al.
February 19, 2021
Measuring Winds from Space to Reduce the Uncertainty in the Southern Ocean Carbon Flu...
Joellen L. Russell, David G. Long, Paul Chang, et al.