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What Does Our Heliosphere Look Like in Energetic Neutral Atoms? Some Recommendations for a Low-Energy ENA Camera Onboard the Interstellar Probe
  • +3
  • André Galli,
  • Peter Wurz,
  • Jens Kleimann,
  • Horst Fichtner,
  • Yoshifumi Futaana,
  • Stas Barabash
André Galli
University of Bern, Switzerland

Corresponding Author:andre.galli@space.unibe.ch

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Peter Wurz
University of Bern, Switzerland
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Jens Kleimann
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
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Horst Fichtner
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
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Yoshifumi Futaana
IRF Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna, Sweden
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Stas Barabash
IRF Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna, Sweden
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The concept of an Interstellar Probe (ISP) offers an intriguing combination of scientific break-throughs in several disciplines. These include a global view of our heliosphere, unperturbed sampling of the interstellar medium, discoveries of Kuiper Belt Objects, and many others. The current mission concept of the ISP aims at reaching a distance of 1000 au away from the Sun within this century, far beyond the heliopause at roughly 100-200 au. In this presentation, we investigate basic requirements for an Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) instrument onboard the ISP for the energy range between 10 eV and 5 keV. An ENA is produced when a fast ion exchanges its charge with an ambient neutral atom. The resulting ENA leaves the source region on a straight trajectory, no longer influenced by electromagnetic fields. This allows an ENA camera to image the ion distribution of remote plasma regions. We calculate the energy spectrum of heliospheric ENAs an observer would see from a given vantage point inside or outside the heliopause. Since the global shape of the heliosphere is unknown yet, we use two analytical models to derive proton flowlines for two different heliospheric shapes: the Parker model [Parker 1961] modified with a termination shock and the analytical representation of a full MHD model [Röken et al. 2015, Kleimann et al. 2017]. The ENA intensity then is the line-of-sight integral of proton density times the local density of neutral hydrogen times the charge-exchange cross-section. We disregard any other neutral species inside the heliosphere and we only consider protons as source for ENAs. The proton populations included are the supersonic solar wind and pickup ions inside the termination shock and the shocked solar wind and pickup ions between termination shock and heliopause. The calculated ENA intensities are first compared to the globally distributed ENA flux measured by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer and Cassini in the inner solar system in the energy range from 10 eV to 55 keV. We then proceed to calculate the ENA intensity as seen by an observer at other positions near or beyond the heliopause. These predictions can serve as a rough guideline for the mission concept of ISP: which trajectory offers the most interesting view on the heliosphere in ENAs and which technical requirements should a low-energy ENA imager meet?