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Screening tree-ring chronologies for hydrologic reconstruction with lagged regression
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  • David Meko,
  • Anabel Winitsky,
  • Alan Taylor,
  • Franco Biondi
David Meko
University of Arizona

Corresponding Author:dmeko@ltrr.arizona.edu

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Anabel Winitsky
University of Arizona
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Alan Taylor
Penn State University
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Franco Biondi
University of Nevada, Reno
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Reconstructions of river discharge and other hydrologic variables often exploit large available networks of tree-ring chronologies from multiple species and hydrologic settings. A common early step in such studies is screening to reduce the predictor data set and focus on chronologies with a strong hydrologic signal. A stepwise regression approach to screening is proposed and illustrated for reconstruction of April 1 snow-water equivalent (SWE) at three snow courses in the northern Sierra Nevada and Lake Tahoe region from a multi-species tree-ring network. SWE is regressed separately on each chronology lagged t-2 to t+2 years from the year of SWE. A chronology is accepted based on specified criteria for temporal stability of signal and skill of the lagged model in predicting SWE outside the calibration space. A cross-validation stepwise cutoff rule is applied to guard against over-fitting the lagged model. Illustration for a network of 23 chronologies of five snow-adapted species (Juniperus occidentalis, Pinus jeffreyi, Pinus ponderosa, Abies magnifica, and Tsuga mertensiana) underscores the critical importance of lags in the tree-ring response to SWE. For Abies and Tsuga, in particular, chronologies passing screening are characterized by lagged models with a positive coefficient on the year following the hydrologic anomaly (deep snowpack this year, wide ring the following year) and no dependence or a negative coefficient on the current year (deep snowpack, narrow current ring). The SWE signal is strongest for one particular Juniperus chronology whose regression explains 39% of the SWE variance at two snow courses. The strength of SWE signal varies greatly over sites within species. More than half of the Juniperus and Pinus chronologies were rejected by screening because of either weak or temporally unstable signal. A repeat of the regression screening using water-year precipitation (Global Historical Climate Network) instead of SWE suggests that different subsets of chronologies are optimal depending on the target hydologic variable. Few chronologies have a significant signal for the residual of SWE regressed on water-year precipitation. This suggests little snow-specific information on the moisture signal in annual ring width. Sub-annual ring measurements and quantitative wood anatomy are suggested as possible ways to help discriminate the rain and snow signals in tree rings from the region.