September 17, 2024
The Structure and Kinetic Ion Behavior of Low Mach Number Shocks
Daniel Bruce Graham and Yuri V. Khotyaintsev
July 23, 2023
Langmuir and upper hybrid waves in Earth's magnetotail
Daniel Bruce Graham, Yuri V. Khotyaintsev, Mats André, et al.
March 04, 2024
Plasma Mixing during active Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability under different IMF orientat...
Adriana Settino, Rumi Nakamura, Kevin Alexander Blasl, et al.
June 23, 2023
Electrostatic waves around a magnetopause reconnection diffusion region and their ass...
Shan Wang, Daniel Bruce Graham, Xin An, et al.
November 11, 2022
Direct observations of electron firehose fluctuations in the magnetic reconnection ou...
Giulia Cozzani, Yuri V. Khotyaintsev, Daniel Bruce Graham, et al.
October 29, 2020
Large amplitude electrostatic proton plasma frequency waves in the magnetospheric sep...
Konrad Steinvall, Yuri V. Khotyaintsev, Daniel Bruce Graham, et al.
July 26, 2020
Lower hybrid waves at the magnetosheath separatrix region
Binbin Tang, Wenya Li, Daniel Bruce Graham, et al.
August 20, 2020
Plasma density and magnetic field fluctuations in the ion gyro-frequency range near t...
Elias Odelstad, Anders I. Eriksson, Mats André, et al.
August 02, 2022
Whistler waves associated with electron beams in magnetopause reconnection diffusion...
Shan Wang, Naoki Bessho, Daniel Bruce Graham, et al.
January 07, 2021
Kinetic interaction of cold and hot protons with an oblique EMIC wave near the daysid...
Sergio Toledo-Redondo, Justin Hao Lee, Sarah Kimberly Vines, et al.
February 20, 2021
Non-Maxwellianity of electron distributions near Earth's magnetopause
Daniel Bruce Graham, Yuri V. Khotyaintsev, Mats André, et al.
June 22, 2022
Mirror mode storms observed by Solar Orbiter
Andrew P. Dimmock, Emiliya Yordanova, Daniel Bruce Graham, et al.