Alexander E Stott

and 14 more

Wind measurements from landed missions on Mars are vital to characterise the near surface atmospheric behaviour on Mars and improve atmospheric models. These winds are responsible for aeolian change and the mixing of dust in and out of the atmosphere, which has a significant effect on the global circulation. The NASA InSight mission successfully recorded wind data for around 750 sols. The seismometer, however, recorded nearly continuous data for around 1400 sols. The dominant source of energy in the seismic data is in fact due to the wind. To this end, we propose a machine learning model, dubbed WindSightNet, to map the seismic data to wind speed and direction. This converts the atmospheric information in the seismic data into a physically meaningful wind signal which can be used for analysis. We retrieve wind data from the entire period the seismometer was recording which enables a comparison of the year-to-year wind variations at InSight. The continuous nature of the dataset also enables the extraction of information on baroclinic activity at long periods and the periodicity of observed convective cells. A data science based metric is proposed to provide a quantification of the year-to-year differences in the wind speeds, which highlights variations linked to dust activity as well as other transient differences worthy of further study. On the whole, the seismic-derived winds confirm the dominance of the global circulation on the winds leading to highly repeatable weather patterns.

Ari-Matti Harri

and 21 more

The Mars2020 Perseverance Rover landed successfully on the Martian surface on the Jezero Crater floor (18.44°N, 77.45°E) at Martian solar longitude, $L_s$, $\sim$5 in February 2021. Since then it has produced highly valuable environmental measurements with a versatile scientific payload including the MEDA (Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer) suite of environmental sensors. One of the MEDA systems is the PS pressure sensor system which weighs 40 grams and has an estimated absolute accuracy of better than 3.5 Pa and a resolution of 0.13 Pa. We present initial results from the first 414 sols of Martian atmospheric surface pressure observations by the PS whose performance was found to meet its specifications. Observed sol-averaged atmospheric pressures follow an anticipated pattern of pressure variation in the course of the advancing season and are consistent with data from other landing missions. The observed diurnal pressure amplitude varies by $\sim$2-5 \% of the sol-averaged pressure, with absolute amplitude 10-35 Pa in an approximately direct relationship with airborne dust. During a regional dust storm, which began at $L_s~135^\circ$ the diurnal pressure amplitude roughly doubles. The diurnal pressure variations were found to be remarkably sensitive to the seasonal evolution of the atmosphere. In particular analysis of the diurnal pressure signature revealed diagnostic information likely related to the regional scale structure of the atmosphere. Comparison of Perseverance pressure observations to data from other landers reveals the global scale seasonal behaviour of Mars’ atmosphere.

Joonas Leino

and 7 more

Cyclic absorption of solar radiation generates oscillations in atmospheric fields. These oscillations are called atmospheric or thermal tides, which are furthermore modified by topography and surface properties. This leads to a complex mix of sun-synchronous and non sun-synchronous tides that propagate around the planet eastward and westward. This study focuses on analyzing the ter-diurnal component (period of 8 hr) from surface pressure observations by Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), InSight, Viking Lander (VL) 1, and VL2. General Circulation Model (GCM) results are used to provide a global context for interpreting the observed ter-diurnal tide properties. MSL and InSight have a clear and similar seasonal cycle, with local amplitude peaks at around solar longitude (Ls) 60◦ , Ls 130◦ and Ls 320◦ . The amplitude peak at Ls 320◦ is related to the annual dust storm, while the dust storm around Ls 230◦ is not detected by either platforms. During the global dust storms, MSL, VL1, and VL2 detect their highest amplitudes. GCM predicts the weakest amplitudes at the equinoxes, while the strongest ones are predicted in summertime for both hemispheres. GCM amplitudes are typically lower than observed, but match better during the aphelion season. During this time, model results suggest that the two most prominent modes are the sun-synchronous ter-diurnal tide (TW3) and an eastward propagating resonantly-enhanced Kelvin wave (TE3). Simulations with and without the effect of radiative heating by water ice clouds indicate the clouds may play a significant role in forcing the ter-diurnal tide during northern hemisphere summer season.

Daniel Toledo

and 18 more

The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) instrument, on board the NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover, includes a number of sensors to characterize the Martian atmosphere. One of this sensors is the Radiation and Dust Sensor (RDS) that measures the solar irradiance at different wavelengths and geometries. We analyzed the RDS observations made during twilight for the period between sol 71 and 492 of the mission (Ls 39◦-262◦) to characterize the clouds over the Perseverance rover site. Using the ratio between the irradiance at zenith at 450 and 750 nm, we inferred that the main constituent of the detected high-altitude aerosol layers was ice from Ls= 39◦ to 150◦ (cloudy period), an dust from Ls 150◦-262◦. A total of 161 twilights were analyzed in the cloudy period using a radiative transfer code and we found: i) signatures of clouds/hazes in the signals in the 58 % of the twilights; ii) most of the clouds had altitudes between 40-50 km, suggesting water ice composition, and had particle sizes between 0.6 and 2 μm; iii) the cloud activity at sunrise is slightly higher that at sunset, likely due to the differences in temperature; iv) the time period with more cloud detections and with the greatest cloud opacities is during Ls 120◦-150◦; and v) a notable decrease in the cloud activity around the aphelion, along with lower cloud altitudes and opacities. This decrease in cloud activity indicates lower concentrations of water vapor or cloud condensation nuclei (dust) around this period in the Martian mesosphere.

German Martinez

and 33 more

The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) on board Perseverance includes first-of-their-kind sensors measuring the incident and reflected solar flux, the downwelling atmospheric IR flux, and the upwelling IR flux emitted by the surface. We use these measurements for the first 350 sols of the Mars 2020 mission (Ls ~ 6-174 deg; in Martian Year 36) to determine the surface radiative budget on Mars, and to calculate the broadband albedo (0.3-3 μm) as a function of the illumination and viewing geometry. Together with MEDA measurements of ground temperature, we calculate the thermal inertia for homogeneous terrains without the need for numerical models. We found that: (1) the observed downwelling atmospheric IR flux is significantly lower than model predictions. This is likely caused by the strong diurnal variation in aerosol opacity measured by MEDA, which is not accounted for by numerical models. (2) The albedo presents a marked non-Lambertian behavior, with lowest values near noon and highest values corresponding to low phase angles (i.e., Sun behind the observer). (3) Thermal inertia values ranged between 180 (sand dune) and 605 (bedrock-dominated material) SI units. (4) Averages across Perseverance’ traverse of albedo and thermal inertia (spatial resolution of ~3-4 m2) are in very good agreement with collocated retrievals of thermal inertia from THEMIS (spatial resolution of 100 m per pixel) and of bolometric albedo in the 0.25-2.9 μm range from (spatial resolution of ~300 km2). The results presented here are important to validate model predictions and provide ground-truth to orbital measurements.

Melissa Rice

and 16 more

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover has explored over 400 meters of vertical stratigraphy within Gale crater to date. These fluvio-deltaic, lacustrine, and aeolian strata have been well-documented by Curiosity’s in-situ and remote science instruments, including the Mast Camera (Mastcam) pair of multispectral imagers. Mastcam visible to near-infrared (VNIR) spectra can broadly distinguish between iron phases and oxidation states, and in combination with chemical data from other instruments, Mastcam spectra can help constrain mineralogy, depositional origin, and diagenesis. However, no traverse-scale analysis of Mastcam multispectral data has yet been performed. We compiled a database of Mastcam spectra from >600 multispectral observations and 1 quantified spectral variations across Curiosity’s traverse through Vera Rubin ridge (sols 0-2302). From principal component analysis and an examination of spectral parameters, we identified 9 rock spectral classes and 5 soil spectral classes. Rock classes are dominated by spectral differences attributed to hematite and other oxides (due to variations in grain size, composition, and abundance) and are mostly confined to specific stratigraphic members. Soil classes fall along a mixing line between soil spectra dominated by fine-grained Fe-oxides and those dominated by olivine-bearing sands. By comparing trends in soil vs. rock spectra, we find that locally derived sediments are not significantly contributing to the spectra of soils. Rather, varying contributions of dark, mafic sands from the active Bagnold Dune field is the primary spectral characteristic of soils. These spectral classes and their trends with stratigraphy provide a basis for comparison in Curiosity’s ongoing exploration of Gale crater.

Marco Merusi

and 19 more

The Mastcam-Z radiometric calibration targets mounted on the NASA’s Perseverance rover proved to be effective in the calibration of Mastcam-Z images to reflectance (I/F) over the first 350 sols on Mars. Mastcam-Z imaged the calibration targets regularly to perform reflectance calibration on multispectral image sets of targets on the Martian surface. For each calibration target image, mean radiance values were extracted for 41 distinct regions of the targets, including patches of color and grayscale materials. Eight strong permanent magnets, placed under the primary target, attracted magnetic dust and repelled it from central surfaces, allowing the extraction of radiance values from eight regions relatively clean from dust. These radiances were combined with reflectances obtained from laboratory measurements, a one-term linear fit model was applied, and the slopes of the fits were retrieved as estimates of the solar irradiance and used to convert Mastcam-Z images from radiance to reflectance. Derived irradiance time series are smoothly varying in line with expectations based on the changing Mars-Sun distance, being only perturbed by a few significant dust events. The deposition of dust on the calibration targets was largely concentrated on the magnets, ensuring a minimal influence of dust on the calibration process. The fraction of sunlight directly hitting the calibration targets was negatively correlated with the atmospheric optical depth, as expected. Further investigation will aim at explaining the origin of a small offset observed in the fit model employed for calibration, and the causes of a yellowing effect affecting one of the calibration targets materials.

Ricardo Hueso

and 33 more

Jorge Pla-García

and 21 more

Mark T Lemmon

and 9 more

Martian atmospheric dust is a major driver of weather, with feedbacks between atmospheric dust distribution, circulation changes from radiative heating and cooling driven by this dust, and winds that mobilize surface dust and distribute it in the atmosphere. Wind-driven mobilization of surface dust is a poorly understood process due to significant uncertainty about minimum wind stress, and whether saltation of sand particles is required. This study utilizes video of six Ingenuity helicopter flights to measure dust lifting during helicopter ascents, traverses, and descents. Dust mobilization persisted on take-off until the helicopter exceeded 3 m altitude, with dust advecting at 4-6 m/s. During landing, dust mobilization initiated at 2.3-3.6 m altitude. Extensive dust mobilization occurred during traverses at 5.1-5.7 m altitude. Dust mobilization threshold friction velocity of rotor-induced winds during landing are modelled at 0.4-0.6 m/s (factor of two uncertainty in this estimate), with higher winds required when the helicopter was over undisturbed terrain. Modeling dust mobilization from >5 m cruising altitude indicates mobilization by 0.3 m/s winds, suggesting non-saltation mechanisms like mobilization and destruction of dust aggregates. No dependence on background winds was seen for the initiation of dust lifting, but one case of takeoff in 7 m/s winds created a track of darkened terrain downwind of the helicopter, which may have been a saltation cluster. When the helicopter was cruising at 5-6 m altitude, recirculation was seen in the dust clouds.