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The Data Processing Unit of the Solar Wind Analyzer SWA onboard Solar Orbiter
  • +8
  • Roberto Bruno,
  • Rossana De Marco,
  • Raffaella D'Amicis,
  • Christopher Owen,
  • Giuseppe Capuano,
  • Francesco Monti,
  • Raffaele Ascolese,
  • Gennaro Mele,
  • Leonardo Amoruso,
  • Vito Fortunato,
  • Marco Orlandi
Roberto Bruno
INAF-Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali

Corresponding Author:roberto.bruno@inaf.it

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Rossana De Marco
INAF-Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali
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Raffaella D'Amicis
INAF-Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali
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Christopher Owen
University College London
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Giuseppe Capuano
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Francesco Monti
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Raffaele Ascolese
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Gennaro Mele
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Leonardo Amoruso
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Vito Fortunato
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Marco Orlandi
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The Data Processing Unit (DPU) is the “heart” of the plasma suite SWA and is the only interface with the S/C. The DPU is interfaced with EAS, PAS and HIS sensors via SpW dedicated links and is in charge of supporting EAS and PAS with power, functionality control, temporary storage, communication and computational capability and, in addition, supports HIS with communication to the S/C. Its architecture derives from a trade-off analysis aiming to define a system able to perform the needed computational tasks while keeping mass, volume and power within the limits imposed by the constraints. Additionally, the DPU has been designed to be “single fault” tolerant and the “cold-spare” concept has been adopted as redundancy philosophy. It implements data and command interfaces with the S/C via the redundant SpaceWire (SpW) data links and the redundant power input HV-HPC command interface. Two independent, executable SW images represent the overall SWA DPU SW: the Boot SW (BSW) and the Flight SW (FSW). While the BSW manages the basic hardware initialization, the FSW manages TC/TM, controls all the processes related to the state of the sensors, validates and executes TC, acquires, processes, compresses and formats science data prior to downlink for EAS(1&2) and PAS sensors, while HIS autonomously processes its scientific data. In particular, FSW is in charge of data compression, moments calculation and telemetry generation restrictions to keep each sensor within its respective telemetry allocation. Remarkable level of data compression for EAS, which generates the largest data volume, is reached via customized implementation of lossless CCSDS 121.0 based on a “Complex Reordering” mechanism, which avoids periodical jumps among acquisition directions in phase space. Moments of proton and electron velocity distribution functions are computed onboard. Different Look-Up Tables (LUT) for PAS and EAS allow to perform moments calculation modulating the counts in each volume of phase space by a combination of the factors contained in these tables. Finally, since SWA data production greatly changes from normal to burst mode, a book keeping algorithm (BKA) will monitor and control, continuously along the orbit, the amount of burst mode, scheduled or triggered, used against the pro-rata expectation.