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ATM-Mediated Double-Strand Break Repair Is Required for Meiotic Genome Stability at High Temperature
  • +8
  • Jiayi Zhao,
  • Xin Gui,
  • Ziming Ren,
  • Huiqi Fu,
  • Chao Yang,
  • Wenyi Wang,
  • Qingpei Liu,
  • Min Zhang,
  • Chong Wang,
  • Arp Schnittger,
  • Bing Liu
Jiayi Zhao
South-Central Minzu University
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Xin Gui
South-Central Minzu University
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Ziming Ren
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
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Huiqi Fu
South-Central Minzu University
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Chao Yang
Huazhong Agricultural University College of Plant Science and Technology
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Wenyi Wang
South-Central Minzu University
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Qingpei Liu
South-Central Minzu University
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Min Zhang
South-Central Minzu University
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Chong Wang
Shanghai Normal University
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Arp Schnittger
University of Hamburg
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Bing Liu
South-Central Minzu University

Corresponding Author:arameiosis@163.com

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In eukaryotes, the conserved kinase Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM) negatively regulates DNA double-strand break (DSB) formation and plays a central role in DSB repair. Here, by using cytogenetic approaches, we demonstrate that ATM also plays an essential role in protecting meiotic chromosome integrity in Arabidopsis thaliana at extreme high temperature. We determined the chromosome localization patterns of DSB formation proteins SPO11-1 and DFO during prophase I, both of which were disturbed by heat stress. Evaluation of the number of RAD51, DMC1, SPO11-1 and DFO protein foci in meiocytes of Arabidopsis atm mutant clarifies that ATM does not mediate the heat-induced reduction in DSB formation. Interestingly, chromosome spread analysis showed that chromosome fragmentation level was significantly increased in atm but was lowered in the mre11 and mre11 atm mutants under high temperature, indicating that ATM-dependent meiotic chromosome integrity at high temperature relies on the functional MRE1-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex. Moreover, contrary to the rad51 and mnd1 mutants, which exhibited enhanced meiotic chromosome integrity under heat stress, the rad51 atm and mnd1 atm mutants retained high levels of chromosome fragmentation at extreme high temperature. Furthermore, heat stress reduced chromosome fragments in the syn1 and syn1 atm mutants. Collectively, these data suggest that ATM-mediated DSB repair is required for meiotic genome stability in plants at extreme high temperature, which acts in a RAD51-independent manner and relies on functional chromosome axis.