Minghua Zheng

and 11 more

The Atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) represent horizontal wind derived by tracking the cloud or water vapor features on successive satellite images. The launch of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series (GOES-R), including GOES-16 (GOES-East) and GOES-17 (GOES-West), significantly enhanced data volume and geographic coverage over the contiguous U.S. and adjacent oceans. AMVs from GOES-16/17 products can augment wind data in data-sparse areas like oceanic atmospheric rivers (ARs). However, AMVs exhibit biases and uncertainties, especially due to height assignment issues, and there are fewer conventional data (e.g., radiosondes) to calibrate GOES-17 over oceans. The AR Reconnaissance (AR Recon) samples ARs to improve forecast skill over the U.S. West and provides a great opportunity to validate GOES-16/17 AMVs. This study quantifies biases and uncertainties in GOES-16/17 AMVs in the Northeast Pacific using dropsondes from AR Recon and assesses model analyses and background from the GFS at National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Results for four representative AR cases show that GOES-16/17 AMVs improved wind data distribution, particularly in the upper and lower troposphere. A comparison with dropsondes reveals negative biases of AMVs in both wind components, with a slow wind speed bias of -0.7 m/s, particularly in upper levels. The uncertainty for AMVs is estimated at 5-6 m/s. Validation of GFS model background shows small biases, with RMSD of 3.2 m/s for dropsondes and 2.1 m/s for AMVs. Data assimilation reduces RMSD, but biases in operational AMVs need further attention, as they are a dominant wind data source in NWP models.

William Davis Rush

and 24 more

Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are filamentary structures within the atmosphere that account for a substantial portion of poleward moisture transport and play an important role in Earth’s hydroclimate. However, there is no one quantitative definition for what constitutes an atmospheric river, leading to uncertainty in quantifying how these systems respond to global change. This study seeks to better understand how different AR detection tools (ARDTs) respond to changes in climate states utilizing single-forcing climate model experiments under the aegis of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP). We compare a simulation with an early Holocene orbital configuration and another with CO2 levels of the Last Glacial Maximum to a pre-industrial control simulation to test how the ARDTs respond to changes in seasonality and mean climate state, respectively. We find good agreement among the algorithms in the AR response to the changing orbital configuration, with a poleward shift in AR frequency that tracks seasonal poleward shifts in atmospheric water vapor and zonal winds. In the low CO2 simulation, the algorithms generally agree on the sign of AR changes but there is substantial spread in their magnitude, indicating that mean-state changes lead to larger uncertainty. This disagreement likely arises primarily from differences between algorithms in their thresholds for water vapor and its transport used for identifying ARs. These findings warrant caution in ARDT selection for paleoclimate and climate change studies in which there is a change to the mean climate state, as ARDT selection contributes substantial uncertainty in such cases.