September 27, 2024
E3SM-Arctic: Regionally Refined Coupled Model for Advanced Understanding of Arctic Sy...
Yiling Huo, Hailong Wang, Milena Veneziani, et al.
June 12, 2020
Understanding the eco-geomorphologic feedback of coastal marsh under sea level rise:...
YU ZHANG, Joel Carey Rowland, chonggang xu, et al.
May 03, 2021
Impact of coastal marsh eco-geomorphologic change on the prediction of saltwater intr...
YU ZHANG, Daniil Svyatsky, Joel Carey Rowland, et al.
January 14, 2020
Estimate of sediment settling velocities from a theoretically guided data-driven appr...
Zhendong Cao, Phillip Wolfram, Joel Rowland, et al.