Takanori Nishiyama

and 6 more

This study presents time variability of metastable orthohelium, He(23S), in polar region associated with a geomagnetic storm for the first time. Continuous 17-nights dataset of He(23S) airglow brightness at 1083 nm was obtained from a short-wavelength infrared imaging spectrograph (NIRAS-2) at the KHO, Svalbard (78.1°N, 16.0°E). The observed He(23S) airglow brightness clearly displayed responses to the geomagnetic storm in different time scales. The He(23S) airglow brightness has began to decrease sharply within an hour of sudden commencement of the storm, and it was gradually decreased over the next few days and then recovered slowly. It agreed to helium density variations at 500-km altitude calculated by MSIS. The depletion of He(23S) was mainly caused by enhanced Penning ionization due to upwelling N2 from the lower atmosphere; this was consistent with decreased O/N2 ratio in MSIS and TIMED/GUVI measurements, and electron density depletion in F region observed by EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR). Additionally, sudden increases in He(23S) airglow brightness were clearly found associated with intermittent electron precipitations observed by the ESR. Therefore, direct impact by precipitating electron injected from the space to the polar upper atmosphere can play significant roles in production of He(23S). The NIRAS-2 measurements have successfully demonstrated that column density of He(23S) from the upper thermosphere to the exosphere was drastically changed by forcing both from the lower atmosphere and from the space. He(23S) measurements will definitely improve our understanding of thermosphere-ionosphere coupling system and extend the coverage of space weather forecasting up to the exobase.

Kaoru Sato

and 28 more

An international joint research project, entitled Interhemispheric Coupling Study by Observations and Modelling (ICSOM), is ongoing. In the late 2000s, an interesting form of interhemispheric coupling (IHC) was discovered: when warming occurs in the winter polar stratosphere, the upper mesosphere in the summer hemisphere also becomes warmer with a time lag of days. This IHC phenomenon is considered to be a coupling through processes in the middle atmosphere (i.e., stratosphere, mesosphere, and lower thermosphere). Several plausible mechanisms have been proposed so far, but they are still controversial. This is mainly because of the difficulty in observing and simulating gravity waves (GWs) at small scales, despite the important role they are known to play in middle atmosphere dynamics. In this project, by networking sparsely but globally distributed radars, mesospheric GWs have been simultaneously observed in seven boreal winters since 2015/16. We have succeeded in capturing five stratospheric sudden warming events and two polar vortex intensification events. This project also includes the development of a new data assimilation system to generate long-term reanalysis data for the whole middle atmosphere, and simulations by a state-of-art GW-permitting general circulation model using reanalysis data as initial values. By analyzing data from these observations, data assimilation, and model simulation, comprehensive studies to investigate the mechanism of IHC are planned. This paper provides an overview of ICSOM, but even initial results suggest that not only gravity waves but also large-scale waves are important for the mechanism of the IHC.

Habtamu W. Tesfaw

and 5 more

This study presents an improved method to estimate differential energy flux, auroral power and field-aligned current of electron precipitation from incoherent scatter radar data. The method is based on a newly developed data analysis technique that uses Bayesian filtering to fit altitude profiles of electron density, electron temperature, and ion temperature to observed incoherent scatter spectra with high time and range resolutions. The electron energy spectra are inverted from the electron density profiles. Previous high-time resolution fits have relied on the raw electron density, which is calculated from the backscattered power assuming that the ion and electron temperatures are equal. The improved technique is applied to one auroral event measured by the EISCAT UHF radar and it is demonstrated that the effect of electron heating on electron energy spectra, auroral power and upward field-aligned current can be significant at times. Using the fitted electron densities instead of the raw ones may lead to wider electron energy spectra and auroral power up to 75% larger. The largest differences take place for precipitation that produces enhanced electron heating in the upper E region, and in this study correspond to fluxes of electrons with peak energies from 3 to 5 keV. Finally, the auroral power estimates are verified by comparison to the 427.8 nm auroral emission intensity, which show good correlation. The improved method makes it possible to calculate unbiased estimates of electron energy spectra with high time resolution and thereby to study rapidly varying aurora.

Keisuke Hosokawa

and 25 more

A specialized ground-based system has been developed for simultaneous observations of pulsating aurora (PsA) and related magnetospheric phenomena with the Arase satellite. The instrument suite is composed of 1) six 100-Hz sampling high-speed all-sky imagers (ASIs), 2) two 10-Hz sampling monochromatic ASIs observing 427.8 and 844.6 nm auroral emissions, 3) Watec Monochromatic Imagers, 4) a 20-Hz sampling magnetometer and 5) a 5-wavelength photometer. The 100-Hz ASIs were deployed in four stations in Scandinavia and two stations in Alaska, which have been used for capturing the main pulsations and quasi 3 Hz internal modulations of PsA at the same time. The 10-Hz sampling monochromatic ASIs have been operative in Tromsø, Norway with the 20-Hz magnetometer and the 5-wavelength photometer. Combination of these multiple instruments with the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) radar enables us to reveal the energetics/electrodynamics behind PsA and further to detect the low-altitude ionization due to energetic electron precipitation during PsA. In particular, we intend to derive the characteristic energy of precipitating electrons during PsA by comparing the 427.8 and 844.6 nm emissions from the two monochromatic ASIs. Since the launch of the Arase satellite, the data from these instruments have been examined in comparison with the wave and particle data from the satellite in the magnetosphere. In the future, the system will be utilized not only for studies of PsA but also for other categories of aurora in close collaboration with the planned EISCAT_3D project.

Mizuki Fukizawa

and 4 more

Nikita Stepanov

and 4 more

Enhanced precipitation of magnetospheric energetic particles during substorms increases ionospheric electron density and conductance. Such enhancements, which have timescales of a few hours, are not reproduced by the current ionospheric models. Using EISCAT (Tromso) measurements we reconstruct the substorm related response of electron densities and conductances in the ionosphere with respect to the intensity of substorm injections. We also investigate how the intensity of the response is influenced by the variations of the plasma sheet high energy (tens keV) fluxes and solar wind state. To characterise the intensity of substorm injection at a 5min time step we use the midlatitude positive bay (MPB) index which basically responds to the substorm current wedge variations. We build response functions (LPF filters) between T0-1h and T0+4hrs (T0 is a substorm onset time) in different MLT sectors to estimate the magnitude and delays of the ionospheric density response at different altitudes. The systematic and largest relative substorm related changes are mostly observed in the lowest part of E and in D regions. It starts and reaches maximum magnitude near midnight, from which it mainly propagates toward east, where it decays when passing into the noon-evening sector. Such MLT structure corresponds to the drift motion of the injected high energy electron cloud in the magnetosphere. Besides the injection intensity, we look at how the magnitude of the response depends on the energetic (tens keV) fluxes level in the plasma sheet before the substorm onset. We use a previously developed empirical model of the plasma sheet fluxes with solar wind parameters as inputs to count the plasma sheet fluxes with energy 10, 31 and 93 keV in the reference point of transition region (6 Re, 270o SM Long). We found that during enhanced high energy fluxes in the plasma sheet before the substorm (fast solar wind, high solar wind reconnection electric field) the background ionisation in the ionosphere, as well as the peak ionisation value during the substorm, are higher. This implies that together with substorm intensity the prehistory of the plasma sheet/solar wind state forms the magnitude development of substorm related ionospheric response. Research was supported by Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant № 075-15-2021-583