May 25, 2022
Modulation of the energetic electron distribution caused by toroidal mode ULF waves i...
Atsuhiro Ono, Yuto Katoh, Mariko Teramoto, et al.
April 06, 2022
Estimation of Precipitating Electron Energy of Pulsating Aurora Using Ground-based Mu...
Kohei Toyama, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Satoshi Kurita, et al.
January 27, 2021
Field-Aligned Electron Density Distribution of the Inner Magnetosphere Inferred from...
Yuki Obana, Yukinaga Miyashita, Naomi Maruyama, et al.
December 20, 2021
Coordinated observations of the effect of consecutive HSS pulses on relativistic elec...
Afroditi Nasi, Ioannis Daglis, Christos Katsavrias, et al.
September 23, 2021
Butterfly distribution of relativistic electrons induced by lower-band whistler choru...
Shinji Saito and Yoshizumi Miyoshi
July 30, 2020
Energy-resolved detection of precipitating electrons of 30-100 keV by a sounding rock...
Shin Sugo, Oya Kawashima, Satoshi Kasahara, et al.