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CF Conventions for netCDF
  • Ethan Davis,
  • Lee Daniel,
  • O'Brien Kevin
Ethan Davis
UCAR Unidata

Corresponding Author:edavis@ucar.edu

Author Profile
Lee Daniel
Author Profile
O'Brien Kevin
Univ. of Washington/JISAO and NOAA/PMEL
Author Profile


The CF (Climate and Forecast) Conventions are a community-developed metadata standard for storing and describing Earth system science data in the netCDF binary data format. Numerous existing FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) and commercial software tools can explore, analyze, and visualize data that is encoded using the CF Conventions. The CF community holds annual workshops to develop, refine, and review enhancements to the CF Conventions and to manage the CF governance and processes. The EarthCube netCDF-CF project worked with the CF community on the development of extensions to netCDF-CF. Several of these have been accepted into the CF Conventions. Work on these extensions involved broad participation by members of the existing netCDF-CF community as well as members of science domains not traditionally represented in the netCDF-CF community. This presentation will provide an update of recent work and an overview of CF plans and future activities.