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Solar Energy and Data Science: a prediction study for Manaus and the Amazon Basin
  • +1
  • andre luis ferreira marques,
  • Pedro Correa,
  • Marcio Teixeira,
  • Felipe Valencia
andre luis ferreira marques
Universidade de Sao Paulo

Corresponding Author:4004andre3003@gmail.com

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Pedro Correa
Universidade de Sao Paulo
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Marcio Teixeira
Universidade de Sao Paulo
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Felipe Valencia
Universidade de Sao Paulo
Author Profile


The renewable energies have confirmed their potential to reshape the energy matrix of several countries, in the last two decades, reinforcing the set of actions to better protect the environment. For instance, the solar and wind sources of energy production can dim the production and release of pollutants associated to electricity production. Unfortunately, the atmospheric temperature rise has been linked to the increase of the gas emissions, such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4), from manifold sources, such as the thermal power stations for electricity generation. The Amazon basin has caught special importance for Brazil and abroad, and more recently, the use of satellites, fixed instrumented stations and airborne surveys has provided data focused on studies of the environment impact. This work deals with the assessment of the solar irradiation on the Manaus city, the largest city in the Western Amazon region, using Data Science tools, in a way to help the evaluation of the renewable energy in that region.