Kamolporn Haewsantati

and 18 more

Yash Sarkango

and 8 more

We expand on previous observations of magnetic reconnection in Jupiter’s magnetosphere by constructing a survey of ion-inertial scale plasmoids in the Jovian magnetotail. We developed an automated detection algorithm to identify reversals in the component and performed the minimum variance analysis for each identified plasmoid to characterize its helical structure. The magnetic field observations were complemented by data collected by the Juno Waves instrument, which is used to estimate the total electron density, and the JEDI energetic particle detectors. We identified 87 plasmoids with ‘peak-to-peak’ durations between 10 s and 300 s. 31 plasmoids possessed a core field and were classified as flux-ropes. The other 56 plasmoids had minimum field strength at their centers and were termed O-lines. Out of the 87 plasmoids, 58 had in situ signatures shorter than 60 s, despite the algorithm’s upper limit to be 300 s, suggesting that smaller plasmoids with shorter durations were more likely to be detected by Juno. We estimate the diameter of these plasmoids assuming a circular cross-section and a travel speed equal to the Alfven speed in the surrounding lobes. Using the electron density inferred by Waves, we contend that these plasmoid diameters were within an order of the local ion-inertial length. Our results demonstrate that magnetic reconnection in the Jovian magnetotail occurs at ion scales like in other space environments. We show that ion-scale plasmoids would need to be released every 0.1 s or less to match the canonical 1 ton/s rate of plasma production due to Io.

Robert L. Lysak

and 5 more

Yuki Obana

and 15 more

The RBSP and the Arase satellites have different inclinations and sometimes they fly both near the equator and off the equator on the same magnetic field line, simultaneously. Such conjunction events give us opportunities to compare the electron density at different latitudes. In this study, we analyzed the plasma waves observed by Arase and RBSP-A or B during the three conjunction events during and after the 7 Sep 2017 storm event. The electron number density at the satellite positions were estimated from frequencies of the UHR emissions obtained by the HFA/PWE onboard the Arase and the Waves instrument onboard RBSP, respectively. During the three conjunction events, the satellites passed through the plume, inner trough (the narrow region with low electron density between main body of the plasmasphere and the plume), plasmatrough with variable electron density, and partially-refilled plasmasphere. The power-law index m for the inner trough and plume was inferred to be 6~8 and ~0, respectively. This is interpreted to mean that the trough was close to collisionless and the plume was near diffusive equilibrium. In the plasmatrough with the varying density, both the high-density and low-density regions had m~0. The low-density portion of this region may have a different origin from the inner trough, because of the different m-indices. For the partially-refilled plasmasphere in the storm recovery phase, the power-law index m showed negative values, meaning that the density in the equatorial plane was higher than at higher latitudes.

Ali H. Sulaiman

and 20 more

The Juno spacecraft’s polar orbits have enabled direct sampling of Jupiter’s low-altitude auroral field lines. While various datasets have identified unique features over Jupiter’s main aurora, they are yet to be analyzed altogether to determine how they can be reconciled and fit into the bigger picture of Jupiter’s auroral generation mechanisms. Jupiter’s main aurora has been classified into distinct “zones”, based on repeatable signatures found in energetic electron and proton spectra. We combine fields, particles, and plasma wave datasets to analyze Zone-I and Zone-II, which are suggested to carry the upward and downward field-aligned currents, respectively. We find Zone-I to have well-defined boundaries across all datasets. H+ and/or H3+ cyclotron waves are commonly observed in Zone-I in the presence of energetic upward H+ beams and downward energetic electron beams. Zone-II, on the other hand, does not have a clear poleward boundary with the polar cap, and its signatures are more sporadic. Large-amplitude solitary waves, which are reminiscent of those ubiquitous in Earth’s downward current region, are a key feature of Zone-II. Alfvénic fluctuations are most prominent in the diffuse aurora and are repeatedly found to diminish in Zone-I and Zone-II, likely due to dissipation, at higher altitudes, to energize auroral electrons. Finally, we identify sharp and well-defined electron density depletions, by up to two orders of magnitude, in Zone-I, and discuss their important implications for the development of parallel potentials, Alfvénic dissipation, and radio wave generation.