William S Kurth

and 17 more

Juno’s highly eccentric polar orbit takes it to perijove distances of ∼ 1.06 RJ on each orbit. For the first perijove, this occurred just north of the jovigraphic equator, but has precessed north by about a degree per orbit over the mission. Minimum altitudes vary from ∼3200 to 8000 km through the mission. The Waves instrument observes a number of plasma wave modes in and near the non-auroral ionosphere that provide information on the local electron number density, including electron plasma oscillations that occur at the electron plasma frequency fpe and whistler-mode hiss which has an upper frequency limit of fpe in Jupiter’s strongly magnetized inner magnetosphere. The electron plasma frequency provides the electron number density. Over the ∼59 perijoves analyzed to date, peak densities range from ∼100 to 80,000 cm-3. More recent perijoves reveal topside ionospheric peaks at latitudes greater than about 40°. The density profiles can be highly variable from one perijove to the next. And, there can be deviations from simple smooth increases and decreases with altitude within individual ionospheric passes. Spatial variations may be responsible for some of the variability, perhaps related to Jupiter’s complex, higher order magnetic field. We show the variation in ionospheric density profiles and the distribution of peak densities as a function of latitude and System III longitude as well as other geometric parameters. In addition to the complex magnetic field, possible factors affecting ionospheric density variations investigated here are ionospheric dynamos analogous to those at Earth and precipitation of energetic particles.

Corentin Kenelm Louis

and 15 more

William S Kurth

and 10 more

The Juno Waves instrument can be used to accurately determine the electron density inside Io’s orbit, the inner Io torus. These observations have revealed a local peak in the electron density just inside M=5 and at centrifugal latitudes above about 10º that is likely the ’cold torus’ as identified in Earth-based observations of S+ emissions. This peak or ’finger’ is separated from the more dense Io torus by a local minimum or ’trough’ at M ≥ 5. The electron densities are inferred by identifying characteristic frequencies of the plasma such as the low-frequency cutoff of Z-mode radiation at fL=0 and the low-frequency cutoff of ordinary mode radiation at fpe that depend on the electron density. The ’finger’ density ranges from about 0.2 to 65 cm-3 and decreases with increasing centrifugal latitude. The ’trough’ densities range from 0.05 to ~10 cm-3. This pattern of a density ’trough’ followed by the ’finger’ closer to Jupiter is found on repeated passes through the inner Io torus over a range of centrifugal latitudes. Using a simple model for the electron densities measured above about 10º centrifugal latitude, we’ve estimated the scale height of the ’finger’ densities as about 1.17 RJ with respect to the centrifugal equator, which is somewhat surprising given the expected cold temperature of the cold torus. The larger scale height suggests a population of light ions, such as protons, are elevated off the centrifugal equator. This is confirmed by a multi-species diffusive equilibrium model.

Robert Wilkes Ebert

and 20 more

We present multi-instrument Juno observations on day-of-year 86, 2017 that link particles and fields in Jupiter’s polar magnetosphere to transient UV emissions in Jupiter’s northern auroral region known as dawn storms. Juno ranged from 42ºN - 51ºN in magnetic latitude and 5.8 – 7.8 jovian radii (1 RJ = 71,492 km) during this period. These dawn storm emissions consisted of two separate, elongated structures which extended into the nightside, rotated with the planet, had enhanced brightness (up to at least 1.4 megaRayleigh) and high color ratios. The color ratio is a proxy for the atmospheric penetration depth and therefore the energy of the electrons that produce the UV emissions. Juno observed electrons and ions on magnetic field lines mapping to these emissions. The electrons were primarily field-aligned, bi-directional, and, at times, exhibited sudden intensity decreases below ~10 keV coincident with intensity enhancements up to energies of ~1000 keV, consistent with the high color ratio observations. The more energetic electron distributions had characteristic energies of ~160 – 280 keV and downward energy fluxes (~70 – 135 mW/m2) that were a significant fraction needed to produce the UV emissions for this event. Magnetic field perturbations up to ~0.7% of the local magnetic field showing evidence of upward and downward field-aligned currents, whistler mode waves, and broadband kilometric radio emissions were also observed along Juno’s trajectory during this timeframe. These high latitude observations show similarities to those in the equatorial magnetosphere associated with dynamics processes such as interchange events, plasma injections, and/or tail reconnection.

Bertrand Bonfond

and 17 more