Joachim Birn

and 3 more

Using three-dimensional MHD simulations, we explore the stability of magnetotail configurations that include a local enhancement of $B_z$ (a “$B_z$ hump”). We focus on configurations that were previously found to be unstable in 2-D, neglecting cross-tail ($y$) variations as well as a cross-tail magnetic field component $B_y$.\, but approached final 2-D stable states. Not surprisingly, the 2-D unstable configurations were also found unstable in 3-D, developing 3-D structure after an initial rise as in 2-D. This is consistent with the fact that the selected $B_z$ hump configurations are characterized also by a local tailward decrease of field line entropy, which has been found to govern ballooning/interchange (B/I) instability \cite{schi04}. The evolution of the maximum electric field of the unstable 3-D modes showed an early exponential growth, which was only modestly faster than the 2-D mode. This might suggest that the unstable ballooning regime extends from $k_y \to \infty$ (proper ballooning modes) over finite $k_y$ even to $k_y \to 0$, at least for some equilibria. When the 3-D modes had evolved they grew significantly faster than the 2-D modes. This was associated with an evolution into several narrow beams. The 3-D modes did not approach stable final configurations. The final 2-D stable configurations approached from the unstable ones were found to be unstable in 3-D. These findings are again consistent with the fact that the 2-D evolution, governed by ideal MHD, did not alter the characteristics of the entropy function.

Adam Michael

and 6 more

During geomagnetic storms relativistic outer radiation belt electron flux exhibits large variations on rapid time scales of minutes to days. Many competing acceleration and loss processes contribute to the dynamic variability of the radiation belts; however, distinguishing the relative contribution of each mechanism remains a major challenge as they often occur simultaneously and over a wide range of spatiotemporal scales. In this study, we develop a new comprehensive model for the storm-time radiation belt dynamics by incorporating electron wave-particle interactions with parallel propagating whistler mode waves into our global test-particle model of the outer belt. Electron trajectories are evolved through the electromagnetic fields generated from the Multiscale Atmosphere Geospace Environment (MAGE) global geospace model. Pitch angle scattering and energization of the test particles are derived from analytical expressions for quasi-linear diffusion coefficients that depend directly on the magnetic field and density from the magnetosphere simulation. Using a case study of the 17 March 2013 geomagnetic storm, we demonstrate that resonance with lower band chorus waves can produce rapid relativistic flux enhancements during the main phase of the storm. While electron loss from the outer radiation belt is dominated by loss through the magnetopause, wave-particle interactions drive significant atmospheric precipitation. We also show that the storm-time magnetic field and cold plasma density evolution produces strong, local variations of the magnitude and energy of the wave-particle interactions and is critical to fully capturing the dynamic variability of the radiation belts caused by wave-particle interactions.

Shanshan Bao

and 10 more

The geospace plume, referring to the combined processes of the plasmaspheric and the ionospheric storm-enhanced density (SED)/total electron content (TEC) plumes, is one of the unique features of geomagnetic storms. The apparent spatial overlap and joint temporal evolution between the plasmaspheric plume and the equatorial mapping of the SED/TEC plume indicate strong magnetospheric-ionospheric coupling. However, a systematic modeling study of the factors contributing to geospace plume development has not yet been performed due to the lack of a sufficiently comprehensive model including all the relevant physical processes. In this paper, we present a numerical simulation of the geospace plume in the March 31, 2001 storm using the Multiscale Atmosphere Geospace Environment model. The simulation reproduces the observed linkage of the two plumes, which, we interpret as a result of both being driven by the electric field that maps between the magnetosphere and the ionosphere. The model predicts two velocity channels of sunward plasma drift at different latitudes in the dusk sector during the storm main phase, which are identified as the sub-auroral polarization stream (SAPS) and the convection return flow, respectively. The SAPS is responsible for the erosion of the plasmasphere plume and contributes to the ionospheric TEC depletion in the midlatitude trough region. We further find the spatial distributions of the magnetospheric ring current ions and electrons, determined by a delicate balance of the energy-dependent gradient/curvature drifts and the E´B drifts, are crucial to sustain the SAPS electric field that shapes the geospace plume throughout the storm main phase.

Anthony Sciola

and 10 more

The formation of the stormtime ring current is a result of the inward transport and energization of plasma sheet ions. Previous studies have demonstrated that a significant fraction of the total inward plasma sheet transport takes place in the form of bursty bulk flows (BBFs), known theoretically as flux tube entropy-depleted “bubbles.’ However, it remains an open question to what extent bubbles contribute to the buildup of the stormtime ring current. Using the Multiscale Atmosphere Geospace Environment (MAGE) Model, we present a case study of the March 17, 2013 storm, including a quantitative analysis of the contribution of plasma transported by bubbles to the ring current. We show that bubbles are responsible for at least 50\% of the plasma energy enhancement within 6 R$_E$ during this strong geomagnetic storm. The bubbles that penetrate within 6 R$_E$ transport energy primarily in the form of enthalpy flux, followed by Poynting flux and relatively little as bulk kinetic flux. Return flows can transport outwards a significant fraction of the plasma energy being transported by inward flows, and therefore must be considered when quantifying the net contribution of bubbles to the energy buildup. Data-model comparison with proton intensities observed by the Van Allen Probes show that the model accurately reproduces both the bulk and spectral properties of the stormtime ring current. The evolution of the ring current energy spectra throughout the modeled storm is driven by both inward transport of an evolving plasma sheet population and by charge exchange with Earth’s geocorona.

Dong Lin

and 14 more

Solar eruptions cause geomagnetic storms in the near-Earth environment, creating spectacular aurorae visible to the human eye and invisible dynamic changes permeating all of geospace. Just equatorward of the aurora, radars and satellites often observe intense westward plasma flows called subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) in the dusk-to-midnight ionosphere. SAPS occur across a narrow latitudinal range and lead to intense frictional heating of the ionospheric plasma and atmospheric neutral gas. SAPS also generate small-scale plasma waves and density irregularities that interfere with radio communications. As opposed to the commonly observed duskside SAPS, intense eastward subauroral plasma flows in the morning sector were recently discovered to have occurred during a super storm on 20 November 2003. However, the origin of these flows termed “dawnside SAPS” could not be explained by the same mechanism that causes SAPS on the duskside and has remained a mystery. Through real-event global geospace simulations, here we demonstrate that dawnside SAPS can only occur during major storm conditions. During these times the magnetospheric plasma convection is so strong as to effectively transport ions to the dawnside, whereas they are typically deflected to the dusk by the energy-dependent drifts. Ring current pressure then builds up on the dawnside and drives field-aligned currents that connect to the subauroral ionosphere, where eastward SAPS are generated. The origin of dawnside SAPS explicated in this study advances our understanding of how the geospace system responds to strongly disturbed solar wind driving conditions that can have severe detrimental impacts on human society and infrastructure.

Kareem Sorathia

and 7 more

Near the inner edge of the plasma sheet, where the geomagnetic field transitions from dipolar to tail-like, very low values of the northward component of the field (Bz) are known to be occasionally exhibited, particularly in the substorm growth phase. It has been suggested that this may be a signature of a localized magnetic field dip, which are notoriously difficult to observe in situ. The existence of these localized minima is significant as they would be ballooning-interchange (BI) unstable. Previous work has investigated BI instability using localized particle-in-cell simulations with an imposed Bz minimum as an initial condition. However, evidence of the existence of localized Bz minima and BI instability at their tailward edges has been very limited in self-consistent global magnetosphere simulations. In this presentation, we demonstrate that the elusive nature of the instability has been due to the insufficient resolution of previous simulations. We present a highly-resolved global magnetosphere simulation, using our newly developed code Gamera. In a synthetic substorm simulation we demonstrate the formation of a Bz minimum localized in radius, 8-10 Re from Earth. The region becomes BI unstable in the substorm growth phase, leading to the formation of earthward and azimuthally propagating bubbles, distinct from those that form further downtail and become bursty bulk flows. These bubbles generate field-aligned currents and optical auroral signatures, similar to those observed on the ground and from space. We discuss the physical mechanisms for the formation of the localized Bz minimum by magnetic flux depletion, analyze the nature of the instability, characterize both magnetospheric and ionospheric signatures of the unstable region, and compare them with those observed.

Kevin Pham

and 14 more

Thermospheric mass density perturbations are commonly observed during geomagnetic storms. The sources of these perturbations have not been well understood. In this study, we investigated the thermospheric density perturbations observed by the CHAMP and GRACE satellites during the 24-25 August 2005 geomagnetic storm. The observations show that large neutral density enhancements occurred not only at high latitudes, but also globally. In particular, large density perturbations were seen in the equatorial regions away from the high-latitude, magnetospheric energy sources. We used the high-resolution Multiscale Atmosphere Geospace Environment (MAGE) model to reproduce the consecutive neutral density changes observed by the satellites during the storm. The MAGE simulation, which resolved mesoscale high-latitude convection electric fields and field-aligned currents, and included a physics-based specification of the auroral precipitation, was contrasted with a standalone ionosphere-thermosphere simulation driven by an empirical model of the high-latitude electrodynamics. The comparison demonstrates that a first-principles representation of highly dynamic and localized Joule heating events in a fully coupled whole geospace model such as MAGE is critical to accurately capturing both the generation and propagation of traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs) that produce neutral density perturbations globally. In particular, the MAGE simulation shows that the larger density peaks in the equatorial region that are observed by CHAMP and GRACE are the results of TADs, generated at high latitudes in both hemispheres, propagating to and interfering at lower latitudes. This study reveals the importance of investigating thermospheric density variations in a fully coupled geospace model with sufficiently high resolving power.

Harry Arnold

and 5 more

Recent advances in reconstructing Earth’s magnetic field and associated currents by utilizing data mining of in situ magnetometer observations in the magnetosphere have proven remarkably accurate at reproducing observed ion diffusion regions. We investigate the effect of placing regions of localized resistivity in global simulations of the magnetosphere at specific locations inspired by the data mining results for the substorm occurring on July 6, 2017. When explicit resistivity is included, the simulation forms an x-line at the same time and location as the MMS observation of an ion diffusion region at 15:35 UT on that day. Without this explicit resistivity, reconnection forms later in the substorm and far too close to Earth ($\gtrsim-15R_E$), a common problem with global simulations of Earth’s magnetosphere. A consequence of reconnection taking place farther down the tail due to localized resistivity is that the reconnection outflows transport magnetic flux Earthward and thus prevent the current sheet from thinning enough for reconnection to take place nearer Earth. As these flows rebound tailward from the inner magnetosphere, they can temporarily and locally (in the dawn-dusk direction) stretch the magnetic field allowing for small scale x-lines to form in the near Earth region. Due to the narrow cross-tail extent of these x-lines ($\lesssim5R_E$) and their short lifespan ($\lesssim5$min), they would be difficult to observe with in situ measurements. Future work will explore time-dependent resistivity using 5 minute cadence data mining reconstructions.