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Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Evaluate Water Quality in Reservoirs
  • Jui-Sheng Chou,
  • Ha-Son Hoang
Jui-Sheng Chou
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Corresponding Author:jschou@mail.ntust.edu.tw

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Ha-Son Hoang
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
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Not only are reservoir managers and aquatic scientists concerned with the environmental effects of water quality, civil engineers must also consider water quality to comply with regulations in the construction of new reservoirs, or in making structural and operational modifications to existing reservoirs. This study establishes a machine learning approach for predicting Carlson’s Trophic State Index (CTSI), which is a frequently used metric of water quality in reservoirs. Data collected over ten years (1995-2016) from the stations at 20 reservoirs in Taiwan were preprocessed as the input for the modeling system. Four well-known artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, ANN (Artificial Neural Network), SVM (Support Vector Machine), CART (Classification And Regression Technique), and LR (Linear Regression), were used to analyze in baseline and ensemble scenarios. Moreover, one variation of support vector machine was integrated with a metaheuristic optimization algorithm to develop a hybrid AI model. The comprehensive comparison demonstrated that the ensemble ANN model, based on tiering method, is more accurate than the other single, ensemble, and hybrid models. The novelty of this study is providing a new approach of AI models, reducing the complexity of measuring three traditional parameters of CTSI formula, as an alternative to the conventional approach to predicting CTSI. This work contributes to the improvement of water quality management by providing a versatile technique that offers diverse predictive methods to meet the specific requirements of practitioners.