Hiroshi Hasegawa

and 5 more

Shuo Wang

and 4 more

Flux transfer events (FTEs) are a type of magnetospheric phenomena that exhibit distinctive observational signatures from the in-situ spacecraft measurements across the Earth’s magnetopause. They are generally believed to possess a magnetic field configuration of a magnetic flux rope and formed through magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause, sometimes accompanied with enhanced plasma convection in the ionosphere. We examine two FTE events under the condition of southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) with a dawn-dusk component at the magnetopause by applying the Grad-Shafranov (GS) reconstruction method to the in-situ measurements by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft to derive the magnetic flux contents associated with the FTE flux ropes. In particular, given a cylindrical magnetic flux rope configuration derived from the GS reconstruction, the magnetic flux content can be characterized by both the toroidal (axial) and poloidal fluxes. We then estimate the amount of magnetic flux (i.e., the reconnection flux) encompassed by the area “opened” in the ionosphere, based on the ground-based Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) observations. We find that for event 1, the FTE flux rope is oriented in the approximate dawn-dusk direction, and the amount of its poloidal magnetic flux agrees with the corresponding reconnection flux. For event 2, the agreement among the estimates of the magnetic fluxes is uncertain. We provide a detailed description about our interpretation for the topological features of the FTE flux ropes, based on a formation scenario of sequential magnetic field reconnection between adjacent field lines, consistent with our results.

Hiroshi Hasegawa

and 5 more

We present in-depth analysis of three southward-moving meso-scale (ion- to magnetohydrodynamic-scale) flux transfer events (FTEs) and subsequent crossing of a reconnecting electron-scale current sheet (ECS), which were observed on 8 December 2015 by the Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft near the subsolar magnetopause under southward and duskward magnetosheath magnetic field conditions. Our aims are to understand the generation mechanism of ion-scale magnetic flux ropes (ISFRs) and to reveal causal relationship among magnetic structures of the ECS, electromagnetic energy conversion, and kinetic processes in magnetic reconnection layers. Magnetic field reconstruction methods show that a flux rope with a length of about one ion inertial length existed and was growing in the ECS, supporting the idea that ISFRs can be generated from secondary magnetic reconnection in ECS. Grad-Shafranov reconstruction applied to the three FTEs shows that the FTE flux ropes had axial orientations similar to that of the ISFR in the ECS. This suggests that these FTEs also formed through the same secondary reconnection process, rather than multiple X-line reconnection at spatially separated locations. Four-spacecraft observations of electron pitch-angle distributions and energy conversion rate suggest that the ISFR had three-dimensional magnetic topology and secondary reconnection was patchy or bursty. Previously reported positive and negative values of , with magnitudes much larger than expected for typical magnetopause reconnection, were seen in both magnetosheath and magnetospheric separatrix regions of the ISFR. Many of them coexisted with bi-directional electron beams and intense electric field fluctuations around the electron gyrofrequency, consistent with their origin in separatrix activities.

Hiroshi Hasegawa

and 10 more

The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) at Earth’s magnetopause and associated turbulence are suggested to play a role in the transport of mass and momentum from the solar wind into Earth’s magnetosphere. We investigate electromagnetic turbulence observed in KH vortices encountered at the dusk flank magnetopause by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft under northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions in order to reveal its generation process, mode properties, and role. A comparison with another MMS event at the dayside magnetopause with reconnection but no KHI signatures under a similar IMF condition indicates that while high-latitude magnetopause reconnection excites a modest level of turbulence in the dayside low-latitude boundary layer, the KHI further amplifies the turbulence, leading to magnetic energy spectra with a power-law index –5/3 at magnetohydrodynamic scales even in its early nonlinear phase. The mode of the electromagnetic turbulence is analyzed with a single-spacecraft method based on Ampère’s law, developed by Bellan (2016), for estimating wave vectors as a function of spacecraft-frame frequency. The results suggest that the turbulence does not consist of propagating normal-mode waves, but is due to interlaced magnetic flux tubes advected by plasma flows in the vortices. The turbulence at sub-ion scales in the early nonlinear phase of the KHI may not be the cause of the plasma transport across the magnetopause, but rather a consequence of three-dimensional vortex induced reconnection, the process that can cause an efficient transport by producing tangled reconnected field lines.

Masaki N Nishino

and 9 more

The near-Earth plasma sheet becomes cold and dense under northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) condition, which suggests efficient solar wind plasma entry into the magnetosphere across the magnetopause for northward IMF and a possible contribution of ionospheric oxygen ion outflow. The cold and dense characteristics of the plasma sheet are more evident in the magnetotail flank regions that are the interface between cold solar wind plasma and hot magnetospheric plasma. Several physical mechanisms have been proposed to explain the solar wind plasma entry across the magnetopause and resultant formation of the cold-dense plasma sheet (CDPS) in the tail flank regions. However, the transport path of the cold-dense plasma inside the magnetotail has not been understood yet. Here we present a case study of the CDPS in the dusk magnetotail by Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft under strongly northward IMF and high-density solar wind conditions. The ion distribution function consists of high- and low-energy components, and the low-energy one intermittently shows energy dispersion in the directions parallel and anti-parallel to the local magnetic field. The time-of-flight analysis of the energy-dispersed low-energy ions suggests that these ions originate in the region farther down the tail, move along the magnetic field toward the ionosphere and then come back to the magnetotail by the mirror reflection. The pitch-angle dispersion analysis gives consistent results on the traveling time and path length of the energy-dispersed ions. Based on these observations, we discuss possible generation mechanisms of the energy-dispersed structure of the low-energy ions during the northward IMF.

Hiroshi Hasegawa

and 21 more

We present observations in Earth’s magnetotail by the Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft that are consistent with magnetic field annihilation, rather than magnetic topology change, causing fast magnetic-to-electron energy conversion in an electron-scale current sheet. Multi-spacecraft analysis for the magnetic field reconstruction shows that an electron-scale magnetic island was embedded in the observed electron diffusion region (EDR), suggesting an elongated shape of the EDR. Evidence for the annihilation was revealed in the form of the island growing at a rate much lower than expected for the standard collisionless reconnection, which indicates that magnetic flux injected into the EDR was not ejected from the X-point or accumulated in the island, but was dissipated in the EDR. This energy conversion process is in contrast to that in the standard EDR of a reconnecting current sheet where the energy of antiparallel magnetic fields is mostly converted to electron bulk-flow energy. Fully kinetic simulation also demonstrates that an elongated EDR is subject to the formation of electron-scale magnetic islands in which fast but transient annihilation can occur. Consistent with the observations and simulation, theoretical analysis shows that fast magnetic diffusion can occur in an elongated EDR in the presence of nongyrotropic electron effects. We suggest that the annihilation in elongated EDRs may contribute to the dissipation of magnetic energy in a turbulent collisionless plasma.

Richard E. Denton

and 6 more

Recently a polynomial reconstruction technique has been developed for reconstructing the magnetic field in the vicinity of multiple spacecraft, and has been applied to events observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. Whereas previously the magnetic field was reconstructed using spacecraft data from a single time, here we extend the method to allow input over a span of time. This extension increases the amount of input data to the model, improving the reconstruction results, and allows the velocity of the magnetic structure to be calculated. The effect of this modification, as well as many other options, is explored by comparing reconstructed fields to those of a three-dimensional particle in cell simulation of magnetic reconnection, using virtual spacecraft data as input. We often find best results using multiple-time input, a moderate amount of smoothing of the input data, and a model with a reduced set of parameters based on the ordering that the maximum, intermediate, and minimum values of the gradient of the vector magnetic field are well separated. When spacecraft input data are temporally smoothed, reconstructions are representative of spatially smoothed fields. Two MMS events are reconstructed. The first of these was late in the mission when it was not possible to use the current density for MMS4 because of its instrument failure. The second shows a rotational discontinuity without an X or O line. In both cases, the reconstructions yield a visual representation of the magnetic structure that is consistent with earlier studies.

Hiroshi Hasegawa

and 2 more

A method based on electron magnetohydrodynamics (EMHD) for the reconstruction of steady, two-dimensional plasma and magnetic field structures from data taken by a single spacecraft, first developed by Sonnerup et al. (2016), is extended to accommodate inhomogeneity of the electron density and temperature, electron inertia effects, and guide magnetic field in and around the electron diffusion region (EDR), the central part of the magnetic reconnection region. The new method assumes that the electron density and temperature are constant along, but may vary across, the magnetic field lines. We present two models for the reconstruction of electron streamlines, one of which is not constrained by any specific formula for the electron pressure tensor term in the generalized Ohm’s law that is responsible for electron unmagnetization in the EDR, and the other is a modification of the original model to include the inertia and compressibility effects. Benchmark tests using data from fully kinetic simulations show that our new method is applicable to both antiparallel and guide-field (component) reconnection, and the electron velocity field can be better reconstructed by including the inertia effects. The new EMHD reconstruction technique has been applied to an EDR of magnetotail reconnection encountered by the Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft on 11 July 2017, reported by Torbert et al. (2018) and reconstructed with the original inertia-less version by Hasegawa et al. (2019), which demonstrates that the new method better performs in recovering the electric field and electron streamlines than the original version.

Rungployphan Kieokaew

and 27 more

Magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) waves are believed to mediate solar wind plasma transport via small-scale mechanisms. Vortex-induced reconnection (VIR) was predicted in simulations and recently observed using NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission data. Flux Transfer Events (FTEs) produced by VIR at multiple locations along the periphery of KH waves were also predicted in simulations but detailed observations were still lacking. Here we report MMS observations of an FTE-type structure in a KH wave trailing edge during KH activity on 5 May 2017 on the dawnside flank magnetopause. The structure is characterised by (1) bipolar magnetic BY variation with enhanced core field BZ and (2) enhanced total pressure with dominant magnetic pressure. The cross-section size of the FTE is found to be consistent with vortex-induced flux ropes predicted in the simulations. Unexpectedly, we observe an ion jet (VY), electron parallel heating, ion and electron density enhancements, and other signatures that can be interpreted as a reconnection exhaust at the FTE central current sheet. Moreover, pitch angle distributions of suprathermal electrons on either side of the current sheet show different properties, indicating different magnetic connectivities. This FTE-type structure may thus alternatively be interpreted as two interlaced flux tubes with reconnection at the interface as reported by Kacem et al. (2018) and Øieroset et al. (2019). The structure may be the result of interaction between two flux tubes, likely produced by multiple VIR at the KH wave trailing edge, and constitutes a new class of phenomenon induced by KH waves.