Alexander E Stott

and 14 more

Wind measurements from landed missions on Mars are vital to characterise the near surface atmospheric behaviour on Mars and improve atmospheric models. These winds are responsible for aeolian change and the mixing of dust in and out of the atmosphere, which has a significant effect on the global circulation. The NASA InSight mission successfully recorded wind data for around 750 sols. The seismometer, however, recorded nearly continuous data for around 1400 sols. The dominant source of energy in the seismic data is in fact due to the wind. To this end, we propose a machine learning model, dubbed WindSightNet, to map the seismic data to wind speed and direction. This converts the atmospheric information in the seismic data into a physically meaningful wind signal which can be used for analysis. We retrieve wind data from the entire period the seismometer was recording which enables a comparison of the year-to-year wind variations at InSight. The continuous nature of the dataset also enables the extraction of information on baroclinic activity at long periods and the periodicity of observed convective cells. A data science based metric is proposed to provide a quantification of the year-to-year differences in the wind speeds, which highlights variations linked to dust activity as well as other transient differences worthy of further study. On the whole, the seismic-derived winds confirm the dominance of the global circulation on the winds leading to highly repeatable weather patterns.

Savas Ceylan

and 8 more

InSight’s seismometers recorded more than 1300 events. Ninety-eight of these, named the low-frequency family, show energy predominantly below 1 Hz down to ∼0.125 Hz. The Marsquake Service identified seismic phases and computed distances for 42 of these marsquakes, 26 of which have backazimuths. Hence, the locations of the majority of low-frequency family events remain undetermined. Here, we use an envelope shape similarity approach to determine event classes and distances, and introduce an alternative method to estimate the backazimuth. In our similarity approach, we use the highest quality marsquakes with well-constrained distance estimates as templates, including the largest event S1222a, and assign distances to marsquakes with relatively high signal-to-noise ratio based on their similarities to the template events. The resulting enhanced catalog allows us to re-evaluate the seismicity of Mars. We find the Valles Marineris region to be more active than initially perceived, where only a single marsquake (S0976a) had previously been located. We relocated two marsquakes using new backazimuth estimates, which had reported distances of ∼90o, in the SW of the Tharsis region, possibly at Olympus Mons. In addition, two marsquakes with little or no S-wave energy have been located in the NE of the Elysium Bulge. Event epicenters in Cerberus Fossae follow a North-South trend due to uncertainties in location, while the fault system is in the NW-SE direction; therefore, these events are re-projected along the observed fault system.

Raphael F. Garcia

and 17 more

The relatively unconstrained internal structure of Venus is a missing piece in our understanding of the Solar System formation and evolution. To determine the seismic structure of Venus’ interior, the detection of seismic waves generated by venusquakes is crucial, as recently shown by the new seismic and geodetic constraints on Mars’ interior obtained by the InSight mission. In the next decades multiple missions will fly to Venus to explore its tectonic and volcanic activity, but they will not be able to conclusively report on seismicity or detect actual seismic waves. Looking towards the next fleet of Venus missions in the future, various concepts to measure seismic waves have already been explored in the past decades. These detection methods include typical geophysical ground sensors already deployed on Earth, the Moon, and Mars; pressure sensors on balloons; and airglow imagers on orbiters to detect ground motion, the infrasound signals generated by seismic waves, and the corresponding airglow variations in the upper atmosphere. Here, we provide a first comparison between the detection capabilities of these different measurement techniques and recent estimates of Venus’ seismic activity. In addition, we discuss the performance requirements and measurement durations required to detect seismic waves with the various detection methods. As such, our study clearly presents the advantages and limitations of the different seismic wave detection techniques and can be used to drive the design of future mission concepts aiming to study the seismicity of Venus.

Ross Maguire

and 11 more

On May 4th, 2022 the InSight seismometer SEIS recorded the largest marsquake ever observed, S1222a, with an initial magnitude estimate of Mw 4.7. Understanding the depth and source properties of this event has important implications for the nature of tectonic activity on Mars. Located ~37 degrees to the southeast of InSight, S1222a is one of the few non-impact marsquakes that exhibits prominent ratio surface waves. We use waveform modeling of body waves (P and S) and surface waves (Rayleigh and Love) to constrain the moment tensor and quantify the associated uncertainty. We find that S1222a likely resulted from dip-slip faulting in the mid-crust (source depth ~18 – 28 km) and estimate a scalar moment of 3.51015 – 5.01015 Nm (magnitude Mw 4.3 – 4.4). The best-fitting focal mechanism is sensitive to the choice of phase windows and misfit weights, as well as the structural model of Mars used to calculate Green’s functions. We find that an E-W to SE-NW striking thrust fault can explain the data well, although depending on the choice of misfit weighting, a normal fault solution is also permissible. The orientation of the best-fitting fault plane solutions suggests that S1222a takes place on a fault system near the martian crustal dichotomy accommodating relative motion between the northern lowlands and southern highlands. Independent constraints on the event depth and improved models of the (an)isotropic velocity structure of the martian crust and mantle could help resolve the ambiguity inherent to single-station moment tensor inversions of S1222a and other marsquakes.