July 15, 2024
Effect of Ground Conductivity on VLF Wave Propagation
Pauline Teysseyre, Carine Briand, Robert Andrew Marshall, et al.
July 17, 2021
Geomagnetically Induced Currents at Middle Latitudes: 1. Quiet-time Variability
Adam C Kellerman, Ryan Michael McGranaghan, Jacob Bortnik, et al.
July 19, 2020
The Heliophysics and Space Weather Open Knowledge Network: The Convergence Hub for th...
Ryan McGranaghan, Adam Kellerman, Robert Arritt, et al.
January 25, 2021
Revealing Novel Connections Between Space Weather and the Power Grid: Network Analysi...
Joseph Hughes, Ryan Michael McGranaghan, Adam C Kellerman, et al.
March 20, 2020
Studying the Effects of the August 2017 Solar Eclipse using LF/MF Signals of Opportun...
Marc Alexander Higginson-Rollins and Morris B. Cohen
September 10, 2020
Strong Amplification of ELF/VLF Signals in Space Using Neutral Gas Injections from a...
Paul Bernhardt, William Bougas, Michael Griffin, et al.
January 15, 2020
WALDO! A Massive Public Repository of Global ELF/VLF Radio Data
Morris Cohen, Mark Golkowski, Umran Inan, et al.
September 17, 2021
Development of a High-Latitude Convection Model by Application of Machine Learning to...
William A. Bristow, Charles Topliff, Morris B. Cohen, et al.
January 15, 2020
Ultra-Sensitive Broadband Remote Sensing Instrument for Longwave Radio Reception
Baris Volkan Gurses, Kevin Thomas Whitmore, Morris Cohen, et al.
April 21, 2020
Measuring the Electron Density Roughness of the D-Region Ionosphere
Morris B. Cohen and Marc Alexander Higginson-Rollins