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Intracontinental Deformation and Crustal Structure: Hangay Dome, Central Mongolia
  • +3
  • Jessica Welkey,
  • Anne Meltzer,
  • Josh Stachnik,
  • Ulzibat Munkhuu,
  • Baasanbat Tsagaan,
  • Raymond Russo
Jessica Welkey
Lehigh University

Corresponding Author:jmw817@lehigh.edu

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Anne Meltzer
Lehigh University
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Josh Stachnik
Lehigh University
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Ulzibat Munkhuu
Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics
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Baasanbat Tsagaan
Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics
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Raymond Russo
University of Florida
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Mongolia has a complex tectonic history. The lithosphere was formed from multiple plate collisions in the Neoproterozoic - Early Paleozoic associated with the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The region has since been modified by Mesozoic rifting, Cenozoic magmatism, and major strike-slip faulting along terrane boundaries and sutures. Central and Western Mongolia are part of the larger high elevation, low-relief Mongolian Plateau. To gain deeper understanding of modern deformation within the Hangay Dome in Central Mongolia, two years of teleseismic, regional, and local seismicity, recorded by a dense array of 72 temporary broadband seismic stations, was used to determine the distribution of seismicity and crustal structure. Results from receiver function analysis indicate the Hangay Dome has a crustal thickness ranging from 41-59 km. The thickest crust resides under areas of high topography and generally thins to the east. Average Vp/Vs ratios range from 1.77-1.8. We located the 7680 events detected by the array using a local 1D velocity model. Many events outline the Bulnay and Bogd faults, where historic Mw 8 earthquakes have occurred. Considerable seismicity is observed on the South Hangay – Bayan Hongor Fault System, including a Mw 4.6 earthquake. Seismicity is also observed along the Egiin Davaa and Mogod Faults. Preliminary results from a joint tomographic inversion for earthquake location and 3D velocity structure show a relatively uniform crust, where P-wave velocities in the uppermost crust range from 5.8-6 km/s. In these preliminary inversions, large portions of the region show Vp exceeds 7.0 km/s in the lower 10-15 km of the crust. The depth to the Moho is consistent with results from the receiver function analysis. Lateral velocity variations generally align with terrane boundaries and faults, such as the South Hangay - Bayan Hongor Fault System. Seismicity relocated in the inversion outline the South Hangay, Egiin Davaa, and Bulnay Faults. In addition, a cluster of seismicity locates between the Egiin Davaa and Hag Nuur faults, where no fault has previously been mapped. Seismicity in the Hangay Dome is generally confined to the upper 20 km, suggesting a rheological transition from brittle to ductile at this depth.