Benjamin Reid

and 5 more

The Assimilative Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (A-CHAIM) is an operational ionospheric data assimilation model that provides a 3D representation of the high latitude ionosphere in Near-Real-Time (NRT). A-CHAIM uses low-latency observations slant Total Electron Content (sTEC) from ground-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers, ionosondes, and vertical TEC from the JASON-3 altimeter satellite to produce an updated electron density model above $45^o$ geomagnetic latitude. A-CHAIM is the first operational use of a particle filter data assimilation for space environment modeling, to account for the nonlinear nature of sTEC observations. The large number (>10^4) of simultaneous observations creates significant problems with particle weight degeneracy, which is addressed by combining measurements to form new composite observables. The performance of A-CHAIM is assessed by comparing the model outputs to unassimilated ionosonde observations, as well as to in-situ electron density observations from the SWARM and DMSP satellites. During moderately disturbed conditions from September 21st, 2021 through September 29th, 2021, A-CHAIM demonstrates a 40% to 50% reduction in error relative to the background model in the F2-layer critical frequency (foF2) at midlatitude and auroral reference stations, and little change at higher latitudes. The height of the F2-layer (hmF2) shows a small 5% to 15% improvement at all latitudes. In the topside, A-CHAIM demonstrates a 15% to 20% reduction in error for the Swarm satellites, and a 23% to 28% reduction in error for the DMSP satellites. The reduction in error is distributed evenly over the assimilation region, including in data-sparse regions.

Joshua James Ruck

and 1 more

Over-the-horizon radar (OTHR) systems operating in the high-frequency (HF) band (3-30MHz) are unique in their ability to detect targets at extreme ranges, offering cost-effective large area surveillance. Due to their reliance on the reflective nature of the ionosphere in this band, OTHR systems are extremely sensitive to ionospheric conditions and can expect significant variations in operational performance. At high latitudes, the presence of auroral enhancements in the E-Region electron density can substantially modify the coverage area and frequency management of OTHR systems. In this study, HF raytracing is utilized to investigate these impacts for a hypothetical radar under different auroral conditions simulated using the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM). Aurora were seen to increase maximum useable frequency (MUF) from 8.5 MHz to 26 MHz whilst also reducing median available target range from 2541 km to 1226 km, for the greatest differences. Target interception showed large variations in path coverage of between 33-115% and 0-107% for two flight paths tested with precipitation toggled. Two distinct propagation modes were observed with aurora, noted as the F-E ducted and Auroral E-modes. Long-range coverage provided by the auroral F-E ducted mode was of limited capacity with low solar activity due to the reduced NmF2. F-mode propagation transitioned to the dominating Auroral E-mode between Auroral Electrojet (AE) index values of 50- and 200-nT. The significant variations in both frequency and coverage observed within this study highlight some aspects of the importance of considering aurora in OTHR modelling and design.

David R. Themens

and 7 more

Here we assess to what extent the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM) can reproduce the climatological variations of vertical Total Electron Content (vTEC) in the Canadian sector. Within the auroral oval and polar cap, E-CHAIM is found to exhibit Root Mean Square (RMS) errors in vTEC as low 0.4 TECU during solar minimum summer but as high as 5.0 TECU during solar maximum equinox conditions. These errors represent an improvement of up to 8.5 TECU over the errors of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) in the same region. At sub-auroral latitudes, E-CHAIM RMS errors range between 1.0 TECU and 7.4 TECU, with greatest errors during the equinoxes at high solar activity. This represents an up to 0.5 TECU improvement over the IRI during summer but worse performance by up to 2.4 TECU during the winter. Comparisons of E-CHAIM performance against in situ measurements from the European Space Agency’s Swarm mission are also conducted, ultimately finding behaviour consistent with that of vTEC. In contrast to the vTEC results, however, E-CHAIM and the IRI exhibit comparable performance at Swarm altitudes, except within the polar cap, where the IRI exhibits systematic underestimation of electron density by up to 1.0e11 e/m^3. Conjunctions with mid-latitude ionosondes demonstrate that E-CHAIM’s errors appear to result from compounding same-signed errors in its NmF2, hmF2, and topside thickness at these latitudes. Overall, E-CHAIM exhibits strong performance within the polar cap and auroral oval but performs comparably to the IRI at sub-auroral latitudes.