The importance of biotic interactions in distribution models depends on
the type of ecological relations, spatial scale and range.
- Merijn Moens
, - Jacobus Biesmeijer,
- Elaine Huang,
- Nicolas Vereecken,
- Leon Marshall
Merijn Moens

Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Author ProfileAbstract
Classical Species Distribution Models are primarily based on climate,
land use and other abiotic variables. Despite recent studies showing
that biotic information can play an important role in shaping the
distribution of species even at large scales, results are not always
consistent among studies and the underlying factors that influence the
importance of this biotic information to the models, are unclear. To
address this knowledge gap, we evaluated how different factors affect
the importance of biotic interactions in shaping species distributions,
using fine-scale data from plant-pollinator and parasitic interactions
in the Netherlands. We found that the models of wild bees improved, when
their biotic interaction was included, and the model performance
improved the most for parasitic bees. Taxonomic level, resolution and
distribution range of the interacting species and degree of
specialization of the modelled species all affected the importance of
the biotic interactions to the models.