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Interband cascade laser arrays with watt-level continuous-wave optical power
  • +7
  • Ruixuan Sun,
  • Shuman Liu,
  • Zheyu Song,
  • Jinchuan Zhang,
  • Ning Zhuo,
  • Junqi Liu,
  • Lijun Wang,
  • Shenqiang Zhai,
  • Yuan Li,
  • Fengqi Liu
Ruixuan Sun
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences

Corresponding Author:sunruixuan@semi.ac.cn

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Shuman Liu
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences
Author Profile
Zheyu Song
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences
Author Profile
Jinchuan Zhang
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences
Author Profile
Ning Zhuo
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Junqi Liu
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Lijun Wang
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Shenqiang Zhai
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Yuan Li
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Fengqi Liu
Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Interband cascade laser arrays with continuous-wave (CW) watt-level output power at room temperature are demonstrated. A three-emitter laser array episide-down bonded on a diamond submount exhibited a CW output power in excess of 1 W at 10℃. The wall-plug efficiency of the laser array is almost the same as that of a single emitter, indicating that there is little heat accumulation caused by the thermal interference between the emitters in the array structure.