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Management of erosive oral lichen planus associated with chronic hepatitis C
  • +2
  • Taissir Medini,
  • emira Besbes,
  • wafa nasri,
  • nouha abdejlil,
  • jamil selmi
Taissir Medini
University of Monastir Faculty of Dental Medicine of Monastir

Corresponding Author:taissirmedini@gmail.com

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emira Besbes
University of Monastir Faculty of Dental Medicine of Monastir
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wafa nasri
University of Monastir Faculty of Dental Medicine of Monastir
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nouha abdejlil
Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital of Monastir
Author Profile
jamil selmi
University of Monastir Faculty of Dental Medicine of Monastir
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Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) and chronic hepatitis C association have been widely discussed. Here, we presented a case of extensive, erosive OLP in a hepatitis C virus-positive patient for whom clinical management was challenging. Full remission was obtained after topical corticosteroid application and several sessions of oral cavity sanitation.