Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndrome (AME): A Case Report of Two
- Abdellah Kaddour,
- Mohammad Badr Almoshantaf
, - Ahmed Aljabali,
- Ahmed Houcine TCHOUAR,
- Amira Yasmine Benmelouka
Abdellah Kaddour
EHS Mère & Enfant Tlemcen
Author ProfileAhmed Aljabali
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Author ProfileAhmed Houcine TCHOUAR
Abou Bekr Belkaid University Tlemcen Faculty of Medicine
Author ProfileAmira Yasmine Benmelouka
Faculty of Medicine, University of Algiers
Author ProfileAbstract
Ulick syndrome, also called apparent mineralocorticoid excess is an
autosomal recessive disorder that causes severe hypertension with
polyurea, polydipsia , and other symptoms. We report a case report of
two dichorionic diamniotic twins from a first-degree consanguineous
couple who suffered from variable symptoms of Ulick syndrome.