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Gearing Towards Pediatric Healthcare in Africa: Focus on the Outbreak of Acute Hepatitis of Unknown etiology
  • +4
  • Innocent Paul,
  • Goodluck Nchasi,
  • : Margareth Mallya,
  • Matilda Basinda,
  • Sospeter Sospeter,
  • Juvenali Ruaichi,
  • Okereke Udohchukwu
Innocent Paul
Catholic University of Health And Allied Sciences Weill Bugando School of Medicine

Corresponding Author:innocentugula@gmail.com

Author Profile
Goodluck Nchasi
Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences
Author Profile
: Margareth Mallya
Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences Archbishop Anthony Mayala School of Nursing
Author Profile
Matilda Basinda
Catholic University of Health And Allied Sciences Weill Bugando School of Medicine
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Sospeter Sospeter
Catholic University of Health And Allied Sciences Weill Bugando School of Medicine
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Juvenali Ruaichi
Catholic University of Health And Allied Sciences Weill Bugando School of Medicine
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Okereke Udohchukwu
University of Nigeria Faculty of Medical Sciences and Dentistry
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The Outbreak of Acute hepatitis of unknown etiology has affected children drawing the attention of authorities to investigate the cause. Africa hasn't reported any case yet but isn't guaranteed safety unless there're efforts employed. This work focused on the efforts which would be adapted in Africa prior the outbreak occurs.