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The Axis of Evol: Getting to the root of DNA repair with Philogeny
  • Jonathan Eisen
Jonathan Eisen
Department of Evolution and Ecology, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, UC Davis Genome Center, University of California, Davis

Corresponding Author:jonathan.eisen@gmail.com

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Phylogenomics is a field in which genome analysis and evolutionary reconstructions are integrated. This integration is important because genome data is of great value in evolutionary reconstructions, because evolutionary analysis is critical for understanding and interpreting genomic data, and because there are feedback loops between evolutionary and genome analysis such that they need to be done in an integrated manner. In this paper I describe how I developed my particular phylogenomic approach under the guidance of my Ph.D advisor Philip C. Hanawalt. Since I was the first to use the term phylogenomics in a publication, I have decided to rename the field (at least temporarily) Philogenomics.