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A microbial survey of the International Space Station (ISS)
  • +6
  • Jenna M. Lang,
  • David Coil,
  • Russell Neches,
  • Wendy E. Brown,
  • Darlene Cavalier,
  • Mark Severance,
  • Jarrad Hampton-Marcell,
  • Awaiting Activation,
  • Jonathan A. Eisen
Jenna M. Lang

Corresponding Author:jennomics@gmail.com

Author Profile
David Coil
Author Profile
Russell Neches
Author Profile
Wendy E. Brown
Author Profile
Darlene Cavalier
Author Profile
Mark Severance
Author Profile
Jarrad Hampton-Marcell
Author Profile
Awaiting Activation
Argonne National Laboratory
Author Profile
Jonathan A. Eisen
Author Profile