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Threshold effect on whole-cell catalysis of extra hyperviscous biosystem by a sealed oxygen supply biotechnology
  • +3
  • Yong XU,
  • Xia Hua,
  • YaTing Hu,
  • Jian Han,
  • HongSheng Zhang,
  • Xin Zhou
Yong XU
Nanjing Forestry University

Corresponding Author:xuyong@njfu.edu.cn

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Xia Hua
Nanjing Forestry University
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YaTing Hu
Nanjing Forestry University
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Jian Han
Nanjing Forestry University
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HongSheng Zhang
Nanjing Forestry University
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Xin Zhou
Nanjing Forestry University
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The end-product concentration and productivity are critical issues in economic competition between biotechnological commercials and the chemical engineering industry. The prominent contradiction between high-titer products and the large-scale oxygen demand for aerobic biocatalysis leads to hyperviscosity, mass transport bottleneck in [dynamically changing](javascript:;) polyphase biosystems, and severe foaming problems. In this study, an intensification strategy for the whole-cell catalytic preparation of high-titer xylonic acid by Gluconobacter oxydans in a sealed-compressed oxygen supply bioreactor is propose. Multi-scale control factors are quantitatively studied to determine the biochemical parameter thresholds, and theoretically calculated the optimal production performance based on threshold effect. Finally, 650.8 g/L xylonic acid is obtained with a maximum productivity of 41.7 g/L/h with a catalytic performance of 95.8%, compared with the theoretical calculations. The intensification strategy for the oxygen transfer threshold effect overcome the stubborn obstacles of obligate aerobic catalysis, while providing a sustainable value-added pathway for fermentative lignocellulose.