Factors affecting spatiotemporal patterns of nest site selection and
abundance in diamondback terrapins
Determining what factors influence the distribution and abundance of
wildlife populations is crucial for implementing effective conservation
and management actions. Yet, for species with dynamic seasonal, sex-,
and age-specific spatial ecology, like the diamondback terrapin
(Malaclemys terrapin; DBT), doing so can be challenging. Moreover,
environmental factors that influence the distribution and abundance of
DBT in their northernmost range have not been quantitatively
characterized. We investigated proximity to nesting habitat as one
potential driver of spatiotemporal variation in abundance in a
three-step analytical approach. First, we used a scale selection
Resource Selection Function (RSF) approach based on NLCD landcover data
to identify the scale at which DBT are selecting for (or avoiding)
landcover types to nest. Next, we used RSF to predict areas of suitable
nesting habitat and created an index of nest suitability (NSI). Finally,
analyzing visual count data using a generalized linear mixed model
(GLMM), we investigate spatiotemporal drivers of relative abundance,
with a specific focus on whether similar factors affect offshore
abundance and onshore nest site selection. We found the scale of
selection for developed and saltmarsh land use classes to be 500 m and
525 m and coniferous, beach and open water land use classes to be 100 m.
Selection was positive for nesting areas proximal to saltmarsh and beach
habitat and negative for developed, coniferous and open water. Expected
relative abundance was best explained by the interaction between NSI and
day of season, where expected relative abundance was greater within high
NSI areas during the nesting season (2.30 individuals, CI: 1.29 – 4.10)
compared to areas of low NSI (1.99 individuals, CI: 1.27 – 3.13). Our
results provide evidence that inferred spatial patterns of suitable
nesting habitat explain spatiotemporal patterns of terrapin movement and