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Three‐dimensional Mapping System Facilitated Superior Approach for Radiofrequency Ablation of Tachyarrhythmia in Patients without Inferior Vena Cava Access
  • +13
  • Chu-Yu Hsu,
  • Shih-Lin Chang,
  • Yenn-Jiang Lin,
  • Li-Wei Lo,
  • Yu-Feng Hu,
  • Fa-Po Chung,
  • Chin-Yu Lin,
  • Ting-Yung Chang,
  • Chieh-Mao Chuang,
  • Ming-Jen Kuo,
  • Wei-Tso Chen,
  • Chhay Chheng ,
  • Pei-Heng Kao,
  • Ahliah E. Ibrahim,
  • Wei-Shiang Lin,
  • Shih-Ann Chen
Chu-Yu Hsu
Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Corresponding Author:parrot2004@gmail.com

Author Profile
Shih-Lin Chang
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Yenn-Jiang Lin
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Li-Wei Lo
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Yu-Feng Hu
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Fa-Po Chung
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Chin-Yu Lin
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Ting-Yung Chang
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Chieh-Mao Chuang
China Medical University Hospital
Author Profile
Ming-Jen Kuo
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Wei-Tso Chen
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Chhay Chheng
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Pei-Heng Kao
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Ahliah E. Ibrahim
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile
Wei-Shiang Lin
Tri-Service General Hospital
Author Profile
Shih-Ann Chen
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Author Profile


Catheter ablation for tachyarrhythmia via superior approach has been used in patients without possible inferior vena cava access such as in cases of venous occlusion or complex anomaly. Difficulty in catheter manipulation, instability, number of required vascular access, and radiation exposure of operator had been described in the procedure. Application of three-dimensional (3-D) mapping system in catheter ablation via superior approach could navigate the guiding catheter and provide more precise ablation. We reported four cases receiving catheter ablation due to atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and right ventricular arrhythmia via superior approach facilitated by 3-D mapping system with fewer vascular access and catheters.