Fluctuating fortunes: stressor synchronicity and fluctuating intensity
influence biological impacts
Ecosystems remain under enormous pressure from multiple anthropogenic
stressors. Manipulative experiments evaluating stressor interactions and
impacts mostly apply stressors under static conditions without
considering how variable stressor intensity (i.e., fluctuations) and
synchronicity (i.e., timing of fluctuations) affect biological
responses. We ask how variable stressor intensity and synchronicity, and
interaction type, can influence how multiple stressors affect seagrass.
At the highest intensities, fluctuating stressors applied asynchronously
reduced seagrass biomass 36% more than for static stressors, yet no
such difference occurred for photosynthetic capacity. Testing three
separate hypotheses to predict underlying drivers of differences in
biological responses highlighted alternative modes of action dependent
on how stressors fluctuated over time. Given that environmental
conditions are constantly changing, assessing static stressors may lead
to inaccurate predictions of cumulative effects. Translating multiple
stressor experiments to the real-world, therefore, requires considering
variability in stressor intensity and the synchronicity of fluctuations.