Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn with Antenatal
Plasmapheresis, Intravenous Immunoglobulin and Intrauterine Transfusion:
2 Case Reports
, - Cansu Sivrikaya Yıldırım,
- Fatma Kocael,
- Bilge Demir,
- Hilal Özkan,
- Taner Özgür,
- Osman Dönmez,
- Melike Evim
, - Nilgün Köksal

Uludag University
Corresponding Author:kevserustun1@gmail.com
Author ProfileAbstract
Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn can cause hydrops and
intrauterine death due to fetal anemia. Immunoglobulin and
plasmapheresis have been used to defer blood transfusions to later
gestational ages and treat fetal anemia in patients who were immunized
early in pregnancy, with different success.