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Fracture of an Orogastric tube in a stroke patient: A case report
  • +3
  • Surendra Khanal,
  • Pramesh Shrestha,
  • Aayush Adhikari,
  • Suraj Shrestha,
  • Sanjeev Kharel,
  • Ramesh Khadayat
Surendra Khanal
Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital

Corresponding Author:surendrastic@gmail.com

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Pramesh Shrestha
Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital
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Aayush Adhikari
Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine
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Suraj Shrestha
Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine
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Sanjeev Kharel
Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine
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Ramesh Khadayat
Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine
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Orogastric and nasogastric tube are common methods of enteral feeding. While simple, these methods are not free of complications. A rare complication of these feeding methods is the fracture of the tube. This report describes a fracture of an orogastric tube in a 58-year-old stroke patient.
31 May 2022Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
01 Jun 2022Submission Checks Completed
01 Jun 2022Assigned to Editor
13 Jun 2022Reviewer(s) Assigned
17 Jun 2022Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
23 Jun 2022Editorial Decision: Revise Minor