Central shunt for tetralogy of Fallot after original Blalock--Tasussig
shunt in a 34-year-old woman
- Keisuke Nakanishi
, - Shiori Kawasaki,
- Atsushi Amano,
- Minoru Tabata
Keisuke Nakanishi

Juntendo Daigaku
Corresponding Author:knakani@juntendo.ac.jp
Author ProfileAbstract
A 34-year-old woman presented with original Blalock Taussig shunt and
tetralogy of Fallot. The anastomosis site of the original
Blalock--Taussig shunt revealed stenosis and severe cyanosis. A central
shunt was performed with 6mm artificial vessel, not a radical operation.
After surgery, the cyanosis improved as intended.