Spatial genetic homogenization of the only clade of the tick
Rhipicephalus microplus in the Neotropics.
This study addresses the variability of the mitochondrial cytochrome
oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S rDNA (16S), and nuclear internal
transcriber spacer ITS2 (ITS2) genes in a set of purposely collected
samples of the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini, 1888)
introduced in the Nearctic-Neotropical range (Mexico to Argentina), and
in geo-referenced sequences from GenBank. The main aims of the study are
(i) to provide evidence of the phylogeny of the tick in the region, as
consequence of a single or several introductions, (b) to explore a
possible impact of environmental traits, and (c) to check for the effect
of geographical distance on genetic variability. We included published
sequences of Rhipicephalus annulatus (Nearctic, Afrotropical and
Mediterranean), R. microplus (Afrotropical, Asia), to fully characterize
the Neotropical populations (total: 74 16S, 44 COI, and 49 ITS-2
sequences included in the analysis). Only clade A of R. microplus spread
in the Nearctic-Neotropics. The K statistic, a measure of phylogenetic
signal, supports low divergence rates of every tested gene in
populations of R. microplus in the target region even under diverging
environmental conditions. This test demonstrates that spatial distance
and genetic variability are negatively correlated. The low variability
of these genes may be due to (i) the recent introduction of the tick in
the Neotropics, (ii) a high degree of panmixia because exchange of
populations, and (iii) low environmental pressures, promoting a lack of
genetic drift. These results have implications for the ecology and
control of cattle tick infestations.