Herpes Zoster involving the maxillary branch of the right trigeminal
nerve after viral vector COVID-19 vaccine: is it a possible adverse
- Rebeh Bougossa
, - Wafa Marrakchi,
- Hamza Maatoug,
- Ikbel Kooli,
- Hajer Ben Brahim,
- Abir Aouam,
- Adnene Toumi,
- Mohamed Chakroun
Rebeh Bougossa

Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital of Monastir
Corresponding Author:rebeh.gos@gmail.com
Author ProfileHamza Maatoug
Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital of Monastir
Author ProfileIkbel Kooli
Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital of Monastir
Author ProfileHajer Ben Brahim
Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital of Monastir
Author ProfileAbir Aouam
Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital of Monastir
Author ProfileAdnene Toumi
Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital of Monastir
Author ProfileMohamed Chakroun
Fattouma Bourguiba University Hospital of Monastir
Author ProfileAbstract
Many cases of VZV reactivation after mRNA and inactivated COVID-19
vaccine have been reported in the litterature We report a case of an
herpes zoster involving the maxillary nerve in a 66 year-old
immunocompetent female, that appeared 5 days after the first dose of a
viral vector COVID-19 vaccination, with a favourable outcome.