The influence of human activity on predator-prey interactions
- Amy Van Scoyoc
, - Justine Smith,
- Kaitlyn Gaynor,
- Kristin Barker,
- Justin Brashares
Amy Van Scoyoc

University of California Berkeley
Author ProfileAbstract
Despite growing evidence of widespread impacts of humans on the behavior
of animals, our understanding of how humans reshape species interactions
remains limited. Here, we present a framework that draws on key concepts
from behavioral and community ecology to outline four primary pathways
by which humans can alter predator-prey spatiotemporal overlap, which
may have implications for predator diet, predation rates, population
demography, and trophic cascades. We then demonstrate the testability of
the hypotheses that emerge from our framework using temporal activity
data for 178 predator-prey dyads from published camera trap studies to
reveal patterns of human influence on predator-prey activity and
overlap. Our framework and case study highlight current challenges,
gaps, and advances in linking human-induced animal behavior change to
predator-prey dynamics. By using a hypothesis-driven approach to
estimate the potential for altered species interactions, we can better
predict the ecological consequences of human activities on whole