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Endocardial LV lead for resynchronization therapy - a viable alternative.
  • +4
  • Ryle Przybylowicz,
  • Miranda Merrill,
  • Nicholas Abbott,
  • Angela Krebsbach,
  • Peter Jessel,
  • Bassel Beitinjaneh,
  • Charles Henrikson
Ryle Przybylowicz
Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cardiovascular Institute

Corresponding Author:przybylo@ohsu.edu

Author Profile
Miranda Merrill
Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cardiovascular Institute
Author Profile
Nicholas Abbott
Legacy Health System
Author Profile
Angela Krebsbach
Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cardiovascular Institute
Author Profile
Peter Jessel
Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Author Profile
Bassel Beitinjaneh
Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cardiovascular Institute
Author Profile
Charles Henrikson
Oregon Health and Science University
Author Profile


Objectives: Describe an alternative to conventional LV lead placement. Background: Conventional left ventricular (LV) lead placement is not always possible due to anatomic and technical limitations. In selected patients LV endocardial lead placement is a viable alternative. Methods: Five patients on warfarin with unsuccessful coronary sinus lead placements and contraindications to epicardial lead placement elected to undergo addition of an LV endocardial lead. The left ventricle was accessed through the interatrial septum via a combined superior and inferior approach resulting in an active fix lead placed on the LV endocardial surface. Results: All patients underwent successful LV endocardial lead placement. There were no acute procedural complications. Two patients died 2 years following the procedure from unrelated causes. The other patients were alive and well at a mean follow up of 2.8 years, with significant symptomatic improvement and no evidence of cardioembolic complications. Conclusions: The placement of LV endocardial leads is a viable alternative in highly selected patients with limited options.