An unusual location of hydatid cyst, the iliac bone: A case report
- Yessin Kallel
, - Zied Hadrich
, - Radhwen ZargLaayoun
, - Hazem BEJI,
- Mahdi Bouassida,
- Hassen Touinsi
Yessin Kallel

University of Sfax Faculty of Medecine of Sfax
Author ProfileZied Hadrich

University of Sfax Faculty of Medecine of Sfax
Author ProfileRadhwen ZargLaayoun

University of Tunis El Manar Faculty of Medicine of Tunis
Author ProfileHassen Touinsi
University of Tunis El Manar Faculty of Medicine of Tunis Library
Author ProfileAbstract
Iliac bone involvement is an exceptional location for hydatidosis. The
clinical evolution is insidious and the appearance of clinical signs is
late after rupture of the cortical bone and invasion of the soft
tissues, making its management cumbersome and difficult.