A Comparison of Geometric Algebra and Harmonic Domain for Linear Circuit Analysis
- Nitin Sundriyal
, - Juan Manuel Ramirez,
- Eduardo Bayro Corrachono
Nitin Sundriyal

Corresponding Author:nitin.sundriyal@cinvestav.mx
Author ProfileEduardo Bayro Corrachono
Electric circuit analysis under non-sinusoidal, non-linear situations has been a hot topic for a long time. Many scientific communities hold opposing viewpoints on the additional analysis tool and domain, resulting in a variety of standards and definitions. With the advent of Power Electronic equipment, converters, and Renewable Energy sources, the electric power system has become increasingly sophisticated since its inception. Electronic equipment has transformed the electrical system and provided a slew of advantages to industrial applications. Unfortunately, this comes at the expense of power system distortion (voltage and current). Understanding power flow in non-sinusoidal linear and non-linear circuit circumstances is required for this. As a result, a novel mathematical framework to analyze the circuit in such an environment is always required. Finally, in non-sinusoidal conditions, a consensus can be reached on norms that comply with well-known, established standards. The work provided here compares the use of harmonic domain and geometric algebra in circuits with disturbances for sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal excitations in order to demonstrate the accuracy of geometrical algebra in power flow calculations.