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Vesico-umbilical fistula caused by persistent opening of the urachal duct: about two cases and literature review.
  • +9
  • Augustin Mukakala,
  • Daniel Safari Nteranya,
  • Pitchou Mukaz,
  • Marc Kasong,
  • Eric Musapudi,
  • Serge Yumba,
  • Tresor Kasanga,
  • Dimitri Nafatalewa,
  • Manix Ilunga,
  • Patrick Zihalirwa,
  • Nasser Lubosha,
  • Sebastien Mbuyi
Augustin Mukakala
Official University of Bukavu

Corresponding Author:augustinkibonge@gmail.com

Author Profile
Daniel Safari Nteranya
Universite Officielle de Bukavu
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Pitchou Mukaz
University of Lubumbashi Faculty of Medicine
Author Profile
Marc Kasong
University of Lubumbashi Faculty of Medicine
Author Profile
Eric Musapudi
University of Lubumbashi Faculty of Medicine
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Serge Yumba
University of Lubumbashi Faculty of Medicine
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Tresor Kasanga
University of Lubumbashi Faculty of Medicine
Author Profile
Dimitri Nafatalewa
University of Lubumbashi Faculty of Medicine
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Manix Ilunga
University of Lubumbashi Faculty of Medicine
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Patrick Zihalirwa
University of Kolwezi
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Nasser Lubosha
University of Lubumbashi Faculty of Medicine
Author Profile
Sebastien Mbuyi
University of Lubumbashi Faculty of Medicine
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Urachal disorders are as uncommon as they are mysterious. Mastering the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of various urachal illnesses, as well as a better understanding of the embryological development of the urinary system, is critical for surgeons (urologists, pediatric surgeons, general surgeons, and general practitioners).