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Is any point to be skeptical regarding individuals with Down syndrome who are admitted with COVID-19?
  • +4
  • Mohammad Ashraful Amin,
  • Ishtiak Islam Khan,
  • Sabrina Nahin,
  • Atia Sharmin Bonna ,
  • Sadia Afrin,
  • Sanjoy Das,
  • Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader
Mohammad Ashraful Amin
North South University

Corresponding Author:mohammad.amin02@northsouth.edu

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Ishtiak Islam Khan
North South University
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Sabrina Nahin
Green Life Medical College and Hospital
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Atia Sharmin Bonna
Save the Children Bangladesh
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Sadia Afrin
North South University
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Sanjoy Das
Chittagong Medical College
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Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader
North South University
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SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 pandemic may affect susceptible populations such as people with Down's syndrome. People with Down's syndrome are more likely to get infections that cause respiratory problems and auto-inflammation. They also have many comorbidities linked to a worse prognosis compared to the general population.