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Progression of Pseudolymphoma to true Cutaneous lymphoma, possible role of Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a case report.
  • +2
  • Kamran Balighi,
  • martin kasir,
  • maryam vahedi,
  • Alireza Ghanadan,
  • Nasim Tootoonchi
Kamran Balighi

Corresponding Author:kamran.balighi@yahoo.com

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martin kasir
Dallas ISD
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maryam vahedi
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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Alireza Ghanadan
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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Nasim Tootoonchi
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Author Profile


here we report a case of cutaneous Pseudolymphoma progression to frank cutaneous lymphoma and resistant to conventional therapy after receiving Platelet-rich plasma and hair transplantation .these modalities and their proliferative formulation may be the leading cause or aggravating factor for such transformation's specially for patients with positive family history,