Simultaneous selection on vegetative and reproductive phenology in a
perennial herb
- Elsa Fogelström
, - Giulia Zacchello
, - Johan Ehrlen
Elsa Fogelström

Stockholm University
Author ProfileAbstract
The timing of different life history events are often correlated, and
selection might only rarely be exerted independently on the timing of a
single event. In plants, phenotypic selection has often been shown to
favour earlier flowering. However, little is known about to what extent
this selection acts directly vs. indirectly via vegetative phenology,
and if selection on the two traits is correlational. We estimated
direct, indirect and correlational phenotypic selection on vegetative
and reproductive phenology over three years for the perennial herb
Lathyrus vernus. Direct selection favoured earlier flowering and shorter
timespans between leaf-out and flowering in all years. However, early
flowering was associated with early leaf-out, and the direction of
selection on leaf-out day varied among years. As a result, selection on
leaf-out weakened selection for early flowering in one of the study
years. We found no evidence of correlational selection. Our results
highlight the importance of including temporally correlated traits when
exploring selection on the phenology of seasonal events.23 Sep 2021Submitted to Ecology and Evolution 24 Sep 2021Submission Checks Completed
24 Sep 2021Assigned to Editor
06 Oct 2021Reviewer(s) Assigned
03 Nov 2021Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
08 Nov 2021Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
29 Nov 20211st Revision Received
30 Nov 2021Submission Checks Completed
30 Nov 2021Assigned to Editor
30 Nov 2021Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
30 Nov 2021Reviewer(s) Assigned
21 Dec 2021Editorial Decision: Accept