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Exploring Subconscious Bias
  • +2
  • Kelvin Miu,
  • David Ranford,
  • Pavol Surda,
  • Claire Hopkins,
  • Yakubu Karagama
Kelvin Miu
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals NHS Trust

Corresponding Author:kelvin_miu@hotmail.co.uk

Author Profile
David Ranford
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals NHS Trust
Author Profile
Pavol Surda
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals NHS Trust
Author Profile
Claire Hopkins
Guy's Hospital
Author Profile
Yakubu Karagama
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Author Profile


Background: Implicit biases involve subconscious associations that lead to a negative evaluation of a person based on irrelevant characteristics such as race or gender. This audit of management of patients who missed appointments investigates the presence of implicit bias in our unit. Methods: We retrospectively analysed discharge rates in 285 patients who missed an outpatient appointment between from 1/4/2020 at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital. 285 patients were categorised into predefined ethnic categories: White British (WB) vs Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) vs Other White (OW) after reading the patient’s names. In the same fashion, we also assigned gender. Results: We did not find differences in discharge rates among self-reported ethnic and gender groups. Patients with WB sounding names were more likely to be discharged when compared to patients with BAME sounding names (35% vs 58%). Discharge rates between males and females did not differ. Conclusion: Our results suggest that implicit bias may play a role in decision-making whether to rebook a patient after missing an appointment.
Oct 2022Published in The Journal of Laryngology & Otology volume 136 issue 10 on pages 961-963. 10.1017/S0022215121004199